Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Is There A Link Between The Loss Of Supernatural Faith In Christ, And The Success Of The Fear-Mongering And Panic Concerning The Wuhan-Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

I apologize for the rather long title of my article, but it connotes a new fact of life that is, not only not recognized, but also explains a lot about most of the church leaders of our day.  I'm talking about their inability or, should I say, fear of doing what they have been commanded to do by Christ: to preach and baptize all nations.

What is happening here, I fear, is human respect trumping supernatural faith!

This has already proved to be a spiritual disaster in the making, with church doors shut and locked -- for how long?  Weeks, months, or more?

What is it that has our bishops so afraid of their own shadows, capitulating to tyrannical civil -- and medical -- authorities and their unconstitutional dictates that has nearly destroyed our entire economy throwing close to 25-30,000,000 Americans out of work.  Could this one fact alone contribute to the dire and despairing act of suicide?  (See my article: studies estimate.)

Over the last couple of weeks, we have seen some tiny glimmers of light at the end of the tunnel in the form of more and more Americans demonstrating in their respective states to reopen the economy so they can go back to work.  The response to these protests by the Democrat, leftist governors of those states has been antagonistic to say the least, with more threats to keep the state in lockdown for additional time.

What all this amounts to, is a very steep, uphill road with many roadblocks to hinder our successful navigation to get us back home to any sense of normalcy.

Even if things do go back to "normal," will it be what some are calling a "new normal"?  Does that mean increased surveillance of the general populace to track our every move, or to monitor our health to see if we get the common cold or some new form of the flu bug?

For those of us who have been on this earth long enough, we remember the brick and mortar Berlin Wall that separated East, from West Germany.  Eventually, the Wall came down during the Reagan administration.  But up until that time, one could see hundreds of memorials to those who died trying circumvent the Wall and escape to freedom and prosperity for themselves and their families.

How powerful the thirst for physical and spiritual freedom!

It happened here, in our country in 1776...

What will overcome the current pandemic that has paralyzed our men and women, cowering in fear from their neighbors, afraid that they might breathe on them, or, even more scary, shake their hands in friendship?

In the long run, there is only one, real anecdote that is a sure-fire, 100 percent solution that no power on earth can defeat; Christ Our Lord!  And unless, and until, our church leaders are willing to stand up, and if necessary, shed their blood as the Apostles and their true successors did, to secure for their flocks, the right to worship God, as He commanded, nothing will change...

The weakness that we are currently experiencing in the Catholic Church is affecting in a most negative way what we see happening in society.  And it is said that as the church goes, so goes society.  It is also said that the law of praying, is the law of believing...  How true!  So, what is it that most Americans -- including our bishops -- now believe?  Is it the creature of human respect?  Or faith in Christ?

Pray earnestly for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

PS: as a reminder, Fr. Miguel Pro was a contemporary martyr that died at the firing squad during the reign of terror of the Communist/Masonic revolution in Mexico during the 1920s.  It should be noted that one act that sealed the fate of the patriots fighting for the rights of civil and religious freedom, was the capitulation of the Mexican bishops to the phony promises of the revolutionary regime in power at the time...

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