Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Has "Render Unto Caesar" Gone Too Far In This Country?

I'm afraid that "render unto Caesar" has not only gone too far, Caesar is now in almost complete control of our lives, resulting in the near total destruction of the Bill of Rights as enumerated in our Constitution because of a supposed deadly strain of the flu bug.

Ebola was much worse and far more deadly!  Yet, the country did not come to a stand-still.  H1N1 killed nearly 60,000 people, and infected 60.8 MILLION Americans.  Yet, the country did not come to a stand-still.

President Trump is incessantly attacked on a daily basis by an antagonistic media, and a rabid White House press-corps, because of his supposed poor handling of the Wuhan-coronavirus.

Does anyone remember that poor excuse of a president, Obama, being attacked because he "let" so many Americans die because of the flu?  He wasn't...

For the most part, businesses have been shut down; close to 15 MILLION people have lost their only means of earning a living; paying their mortgages, and in general, the ability to provide for those they are responsible for, especially their immediate -- and in some cases -- their extended families.

The doors to our churches have also been shut down and locked, with the bishops responsible for guiding their flocks to heavenly beatitude, failing miserably by kowtowing to the civil authorities afraid to exercise their roles as successors to the Apostles.

I have a question for the U.S. bishops: why don't you invoke the so-called "separation of church and state" that is so often used against the God-fearing by the Christ-haters in this country, and keep our church doors wide open to the faithful?

Petty politicians have been emboldened by a weakening President Trump, and issued edicts to those in the general population -- that's us -- threatening us with fines, or worse, if we don't "self-quarantine" and stay at home, unable to travel, except to shop for food, or fill up our gas tanks.  That is, if the supply of food and gas doesn't run out because of a breakdown in the supply chain...

Almost complete dependence on government, whether local, state, or federal is becoming quite apparent; and that's the plan...

The one-size fits-all remedy to this "pandemic," by our elected representatives, is frightening and cannot go on...

Remember too, that those in government, work for us -- we are not their slaves!

So, the question begs: will the real men in this country stand up and say: we have had enough!  Our God-given rights, under the Natural Law, are being trampled on, and we will not take it any longer!  We must peaceably protest in any way that is available, and our talents allow, and most importantly, beg God Almighty for His mercy -- and JUSTICE!

Viva Cristo Rey!!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!

Gene DeLalla

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