Monday, April 13, 2020

Abortion Mills Stay Open, But Church Doors Remain Locked?

Most abortion mills are open in most states, and considered "essential," but our churches remain closed and locked?

Need a drink?  No problem.  Liquor stores are considered "essential".   Need to shop at Walmart?  No problem.  They remain open, along with other big box stores.  Need your car repaired?  No problem.  Want to kill your developing baby in your womb?  No problem.  Most of the abortion mills are open because they are considered essential health care for women, but not for pre-born babies!  

The hard Left, it seems, is taking delight in this newest form of Christian bashing -- I call it persecution. Remember, it was the New York Times that actually blamed Christians for the spread of the Wuhan-coronavirus (COVID-19) across the U.S.!!

Why have the U.S. Catholic bishops capitulated to the overreaching civil authorities without even an ounce of push-back?  I have been asking this question for the last several weeks, but for the life of me, I just can't figure it out.  If I were to take a guess, however, the answer might be that the bishops have lost whatever gumption they had, and consigned it to the garbage can.  In reality, there is something much more sinister here, and that is the very real possibility that those very same bishops have lost whatever supernatural faith they might have had back in the day...

As a "conspiracy theorist," -- that's what anyone who attempts to reveal the truth is now considered --  I would go one step further: most of the U.S. bishops are very sympathetic to the Democrat party; many are homosexual, or at least know that many of their brothers are.  Not to mention the massive cover-up of the attacks of their buddies on innocent adolescents over the decades, which has led to the shelling-out of billions -- that's BILLIONS! -- of dollars to abuse victims.

I have a surprise for the money-hungry hierarchy in this country: if you think the collection plates were near-empty before the onslaught of the so-called Wuhan-coronavirus, wait until you re-open the church doors, you'll be lucky to collect pennies instead of dollars.  That is especially true in the novus ordo parishes, where nearly 70 percent of those who attend Mass don't even believe in the Real Presence of Our Lord!!!!   That proven statistic should send chills down your spine, and shake-up your souls...

If our forefathers and foremothers could see what has happened in our country and especially in the Catholic Church during the last 60 years or so, they would be spinning in their graves.

It should be noted that the catalyst for this "silent apostacy" was -- and is -- the Second Vatican Council that started the snowball rolling down hill, that turned into an unstoppable juggernaut of an avalanche.  The timebombs implanted in that council has destroyed or watered-down the basic tenets of the Catholic Faith, most importantly, the key dogma of the Church that outside His church, there is no salvation.  If there is salvation outside the Church of Christ, then His horrible death on the Cross was superfluous, and God the Father made a mistake!

So, is it any wonder why the bishops in our country don't have the guts to defy the tyrannical edicts issued by the federal government and the governors of most of the states?

To add to this mess: most police are being used -- effectively -- to curtail or stop any assembly of God-fearing folk to hold a Mass or service of any kind, even if "social distancing" is maintained.

Things in this country are beginning to resemble of what happened in Nazi Germany under the lunatic Hitler, but the new Hitler are the medical overlords that have run roughshod over our God-given rights under the Natural Law, guaranteed in the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution, especially, the First and Second Amendment.

One last thought: if the Second Amendment is curtailed or outright suppressed, as it seems to be by unjust and unlawful edicts from radical Demonrat governors and mayors, then all of our other rights are dead on arrival...

The next few weeks will determine if President Trump acts as a real president, or will he continue to buckle to the Fauci's and Birx's of the world, and let our economy disintegrate into oblivion...

The Christ-haters are having a field day right now, but these useful idiots will be shocked when the pendulum takes a hard swing back, and knocks them for a spiritual loop!  

It is going to happen, but not with any help from the Marxist-influenced pope, who considers the Wuhan-coronavirus a reaction of the earth because of "climate change."  Yes, he really said that!

Viva Cristo Rey!!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!

Gene DeLalla

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