Thursday, April 23, 2020

Another Terrible Milestone: Over 26,000,000 Americans Have Lost Their Jobs Because Of A Strain Of The Flu Bug...

Last week, jobless claims surged to over 4.4 MILLION, bringing the total of job losses to over 26,000,000 -- that's MILLION -- Americans out of work because of the planned fear and panic created by anti-Republic, anti-Christ, population-control, anti-life lunatics hell-bent on killing the American economy, and implementing complete government control of every aspect of our lives.

I fear that the number of job losses will exceed 30,000,000, and possibly reach 35,000,000 before we are "allowed" to reopen our stores and businesses...

Recession?  Absolutely.  Depression?  We're almost there...

From the very beginning of the current "pandemic," the facts and numbers just don't add up.  However, a very gullible John Q. Public has bought into the lies and exaggerations of the Leftist media and their lackeys in the Demonrat party.  As you can see, you can't separate one from the other; they are like two peas in a pod.  Both work to undermine our Republic and the traditions -- for better or worse -- that have built the most prosperous and freedom-loving country on the face of the earth.

In our country of approximately 330,000,000 (MILLION) people, we are told that about 47,000 folks have died from the Wuhan-coronavirus (COVID-19), regardless of the actual cause!

We know -- from the very mouths of "Drs" Fauci, and especially, Birx, medical officials have been directed to assume and presume that those that have succumbed, are to have the COVID-19 virus listed on their death certificates as being the cause of death!

These anti-Christ globalists don't even try to hide their agenda!  There is no further need to be covert, instead their actions are now overt -- right in front of our eyes, carrying out their diabolical plans with little or no resistance, that is, until now!

For far too long, we act like sheeple and submit like little children to the tyrannical dictates of the hard Left.  Sadly, there are Leftist and homosexual sympathizers in the Catholic hierarchy, especially among the bishops in the U.S.

They have also shut down our access to Mass and most sacraments, in direct contradiction to Cardinal Sarah, Prefect of the Congregation of Divine Worship.  Talk about disobedience!

I ask the bishops: where is the "separation of church and state" now?  Why don't you use what the anti-Christ atheists use against us, and throw that in the face of the civil "authorities," and tell them that their dictates stop at our church doors?  

What is happening in our beloved country is absolutely insane!

We have all heard about the "war on terror," but who will fight the war on the terrorists keeping us locked in our homes and destroying our way of life?

Nothing will change unless and until we beg for God's mercy -- and JUSTICE, and stop the slaughter of the pre-born, and now infanticide, and recognize that man completely relies on God for his every breath, not the other wary around...

Pray earnestly for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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