Thursday, April 9, 2020

When Will Our World End?

A good question, and a very easy answer: when we die.

Then what?

Consider: The Four Last Things of Death, Judgment, Heaven, Hell.

Every single day, we are bombarded with statistics of the so-called Wuhan-coronavirus (COVID-19).  Those infected, those that recover, and those who die, if not from the disease itself, then from complications that the virus worsens.  Most if not all of those people who leave this earth and go to their Particular Judgment, had previous underlying health issues, and most were elderly.

Regardless of the reasons for their demise, they are not just numbers, but people with immortal souls.

Souls infused in us at our conception by our Creator.  Each and every soul is precious in His eyes.  That is why He came to Earth to redeem and save us -- from ourselves, mostly!

Just who are those who die?

Men and women that we read about on-line, or in the newspapers. Names of people that we don't know or recognize.  But they are known to family and friends, who grieve and suffer from the pain of loss.

And for the loved ones who are left behind, it is easy to fall into the trap of presumption when it comes to determining the eternal fate of their parents, offspring or siblings.  Unfortunately, in today's progressive mindset, that sin of presumption usually places the deceased in Heaven, regardless of how that person lived their life while on earth.  I have experienced this myself when my dear brother passed away in 2001...

On the other side of presumption, is despair: both are sins against the virtue of Hope.

For the sake of honesty -- and justice -- it is important to look at how the deceased lived their lives, and make an objective judgment, if one needs to make a judgment in the first place.  What we do know, I hope, is that it is God who makes the subjective judgment about that person's heart and soul, not us...

It is said that we will be surprised -- if -- and when we get to Heaven, to see those we thought only had a one-in-a-million chance of getting there themselves!

As for me, I hope someday to see my deceased, lovely mother, also my father and brother.  I pray for them daily for mercy from our good and just God.

The main thing to remember is that we have to be prepared to meet Our Lord, and be able to explain if we did our job while on earth; crossed all the "t's" and dotted all the "i's", if you will, as He commanded us to do.

Did we get Baptized; did we receive -- worthily -- Our Lord's Body and Blood in the Holy Eucharist; did we love our neighbor -- and our enemies?

If we did His will as best we could, then we should have confidence -- not presumption -- that we will be in a state of grace at the hour of our death.

We Catholics have some very powerful intercessors who can help us during our very last hours, to fend-off the temptation to despair, especially from the evil one.

Wouldn't it be a blessing to be able to say as we exhale our last breath: Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Have Mercy on me...

Pray for that special grace, and pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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