Saturday, April 11, 2020

There Is A Mass Serial Killer On The Loose In Virginia!!

This serial killer holds the highest office in the state; that of governor.

Elected by a people that have rejected God Almighty, in favor of the father of lies, Satan.

On Good Friday, this blood-thirsty, mass murderer, Ralph Northam, signed into "law," a bill that removes just about every single restriction -- as the pro-death folks like to characterize any attempt to protect the pre-born child -- on a female's ability to attack and destroy her developing baby.

This barbarity is far worse than any recorded slaughter that the ancient Incas or Aztecs performed on a daily basis to appease their demonic gods, by ripping out the hearts of still-breathing human children, specifically raised for the purpose of child-sacrifice.

The warm and fuzzy title of the bill now signed into law: The Reproductive Health Protection Act...

Health protection for whom?  Certainly not the tiny baby girl about to be torn apart, or chemically dissolved in her mother's womb!

Here is a direct quote from the tyrant, Northam: "No more will legislators in Richmond -- most of whom are men -- be telling women what they should and should not be doing with their bodies.  
The Reproductive Health Protection Act will make women and families safer, and I’m proud to sign it into law."

Does this governor think we're all stupid?

Do you see the twisting of the English language in order to make it seem that women and families will be "safer" by killing their pre-born child?

This is pure lunacy from a deranged head of state, the same state that Patrick Henry gave the historic speech and screamed from the housetops: Give me liberty, or give me death!

But there is no liberty or pursuit of happiness for the pre-born child, only a horribly painful extermination...

And we wonder why our nation is being chastised by nature?  And, no, pope Bergoglio, it's not nature throwing a hissy fit because of climate change!

He actually said that!

Our country is in deep trouble, but not from the so-called Wuhan-coronavirus, but from spiritual sloth which has led to the sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance: abortion; homosexuality; euthanasia, and now infanticide -- promoted, by the way, by that very same governor Northam.

And to make matters worse, the doors to our churches are closed by order of whom?  The U.S. "bishops" of course.  These modern-day Judas' have led most of their flocks over the cliff to certain physical, and more importantly, spiritual death.  I can only imagine the grave judgment they will face from their Master, Our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Their actions or lack thereof, also led to the monstrous anti-life Roe v Wade 1973 decision that sealed the fate of nearly 61,000,000 Americans over the last forty-seven years and counting...

We must beg for God's mercy on our country -- and ourselves!

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla

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