Thursday, April 16, 2020

22,000,000+ Americans OUT OF WORK -- Because Of A Strain Of The Flu?

The actual figure is probably much higher, due to the fact that state employment agencies and phone lines have failed, or crashed because of the number of workers trying to register for benefits.

For those who absolutely refuse to use the word conspiracy in dealing with this massive destruction of the economy, explain that refusal to your fellow citizens now financially and spiritually hurting from a man-made virus from the Chinese Communists.

For those who don't have to worry about going to work and earning a paycheck in order to pay for food and shelter for their families, and really don't feel the pain of the ongoing shredding of the U.S. Constitution, think about those who do!

But we will all feel the pain very shortly...

Authoritative elected representatives, mostly holding the office of governor, have attacked our God-given rights guaranteed under the Bill of Rights, especially the First and Second Amendments to the Constitution.

Petty tyrant-mayors of some cities have declared your rights null and void, and imposed draconian measures to keep you scared and shaking in your boots just for trying to go to church, or gathering in groups of more than five or ten -- family members or friends -- on their own property!

We get no help from Catholic bishops afraid of their own shadow.  Their lack of testosterone in standing up to the overreaching civil authorities makes me sick to my stomach!  Our so-called shepherds have deserted us, leaving us to the wolves instead of fighting to the death for the salvation of souls...

Our churches are closed, but most abortion mills are open; our churches are closed, but Walmart is open for business; our churches are closed, but liquor stores are open; our churches are closed, but you can put gas in your tanks; our churches are closed, but you can get your car repaired; our churches are closed, but you can go to the bank; our churches are closed, and they will remain closed because we are leaderless, and left to fend for ourselves by our "shepherds"; need the Last Rites of Extreme Unction?  Don't worry, all you have to do is make a perfect act of contrition!!  Good luck with that...

The Christ-haters -- and that includes many in the hierarchy of the novus ordo Catholic Church -- are winning, for now, that is.

The medical "experts" have forced a weakened President Trump in transforming America into Amerika, succeeding where our enemies have failed, without firing a single shot!!

But it seems that there is now a movement spreading across the country of patriotic Americans beginning to stand up and protest for their rights.  It may be too little too late... time will tell.

Ben Franklin warned us about surrendering our liberties for security, for if we do, then we deserve neither...

We are truly living in trying times, but in the end, the demon knows that he will lose and be cast back to hell where he and his minions belong...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle... And Mary Most Holy, intercede for us poor sinners...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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