Thursday, April 2, 2020

New York City: The Abortion Capital Of The WORLD!!!

That is not an exaggeration...

This from

    "... New York has the highest abortion rate in America. In 2000, the last year for which good data are available, 39 out of every 1,000 women in the state ended a pregnancy, for a total of 164,000 abortions that year. In America, one of every ten abortions occurs in New York, and in New York, seven of every ten abortions are performed in New York City. In absolute terms, there are more abortions performed on minors, more repeat abortions, and more late abortions (over 21 weeks) in New York City than anywhere else in the country. In parts of the city, the ratio of abortions to births is one to one."

Last year, the "Catholic" Governor of New York State, Andrew Cuomo, signed into law the most radical of all abortion -- "rights" -- laws in the country, practically guaranteeing the continuing slaughter of the pre-born for just about any reason, at any age, for any female.  Similar, by the way, of the extremely lax abortion laws in Israel: for any female, for any reason, for any age, all paid for by the atheistic government.  (Remember, Israel is our "greatest ally in the Middle East," according to numerous U.S. presidents, and the so-called "Christian Zionists" in this country...)

Where is the "epicenter" of the Wuhan-coronavirus?  

New York City...

I ask this simple question: do any of my readers think that there is a connection between the massive and continuing destruction of pre-born life, and the Wuhan-coronavirus now infecting the residents of a once-great city?

I think there is.

God acts through nature and people, and it seems to me that He is exacting a deserved chastisement against a fallen and ungodly population.  A population that has taken His gift of life, and turned that gift into a source of blood-money, at the expense of tiny bodies and lost souls.    

And now, all Americans are suffering the loss of jobs, incomes, homes, autos, and, perhaps, hope, because of a hyped-up flu bug, causing fear and panic among the populace...

There is another element to this catastrophe: a much-weakened Catholic hierarchy that has succumbed to the spirit of the age, instead of clinging to the perennial teachings, on faith and morals, of Holy Mother Church.

But we get what we deserve, don't we?

Pray to Our Lord for strength and guidance, and to His most Blessed Mother for comfort and succor in this time of severe trial.

Viva Cristo Rey!!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us..

Gene DeLalla

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