Friday, April 24, 2020

What Happens After The "Lockdown" (HOUSE ARREST) Ends?

That's a good question...

Does anyone think that everything will be back to normal?

We know that it won't be back to normal for all those Americans that have lost their jobs, because many of those businesses will no longer exist.  And it is the small business entity that employs most people, not big business.

As far as the "lockdown" is concerned, will we free Americans be able to go to-and-fro at will, or will we be subject to some type of constant surveillance?  In addition, will we be subject to constant, so-called health monitoring, with the distinct possibility of some type of forced vaccination?

In fact, Attorney General Barr has recently stated great concern that the current lockdown is very close to house arrest, which, by the way, violates our habeas corpus rights.  Just what is habeas corpus?  A writ requiring a person under arrest to be brought before a judge or into court, especially to secure the person's release unless lawful grounds are shown for their detention.   

I truly hope that General Barr's concern is genuine; we'll find out very soon, as he has threatened lawsuits against the various state governors...

I can assure anyone reading this article, that if surveillance and forced vaccination is in our very near future, then we Americans can no longer consider ourselves free.

If we don't have a choice, then our enumerated Constitutional rights -- granted to us by God, not government, will be consigned to the dustbin of history.

What I have just written is not an exaggeration, nor is it a conspiracy theory, but facts gleaned from the agendas of the U.N., as well as other population control organizations, such as those sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation...

What all this amounts to, is a fight for the very soul of America, as well as our collective souls!

As Americans, we must make up our minds and be prepared to stand up for God, country and family.  The test of our determination and honor may be just around the corner... We, as a nation must turn to Christ, Our Lord, and beg for mercy and forgiveness for our numerous offenses committed in the name of "rights," ignoring His rights to be adored and worshipped as He commanded.

Pray earnestly for our country and for the strength for the trials that await us...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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