Saturday, April 4, 2020

What Is Truth?

As Christ -- the Truth -- stood before Pontius Pilate after the traitor, Judas Iscariot, sold-out Our Lord to the Pharisees for thirty pieces of silver, Pilate began to question Him regarding just Who He was...

Pilate then asked Him: What is truth?  (King James version of the Bible; St. John 18; 38).  Even though TRUTH incarnate was standing right in front of him.  Either Pilate didn't believe His answer, or he figured that if he let Christ go free ("I find in Him no fault at all." King James version... St. John 18; 38), then he would probably face serious repercussions and political fall-out, not only from the Pharisees and King Herod, but also from Caesar, that is, if there was a riot in the-already strife-torn Judea.

As we know, Pilate then had Jesus suffer scourging in the hopes that would satisfy the blood-lust of the growing and boisterous crowd.

But reality of the Scriptures had to be fulfilled, and Our Lord was turned over to the crowd to be crucified.  Pilate then let the murderer, Barabbas, go free in place of Christ, most likely to commit even more heinous crimes for the rest of his miserable life.

The "irony" of this entire scenario is that just days before, Christ was welcomed with open arms as the Son of David by the believing Jews...

How quickly human praise and glory fade in the face of a powerful and biased propaganda campaign that can turn a decent people into a lynch-mob, attacking each other, unknowingly playing into the hands of their enemy...

It seems that 2,000 years hasn't changed much as far as believing what is, or is not truth...

As we know, there are medical "experts" advising our president what to do concerning the present outbreak of the COVID-19 version of the coronavirus flu bug.

We also know -- and have seen with our own eyes -- just what a catastrophe this has been for our country, with close to 12-13 million Americans losing their jobs and livelihoods, unable, or barely able, to provide for their families.  And, as the weeks go by, it looks as though there will be millions more filing for unemployment relief, that is, if the current shut-down and self-quarantine continues.

The totality of deaths from the COVID-19 virus pales in comparison to other much more deadly pandemics, or even the seasonal flu, not to mention deaths from car accidents, or even medical "mistakes" in hospitals, or poorly, or incorrectly prescribed medicines.

As a case in point, in New York City -- a city with a population of just over 8,000,000 -- at least 148, or more die each and every day, not even counting the current coronavirus!

If we multiply the last 60 or so days, by 148, we come up with a total of 8,880 people that have died in New York City.

How many people have died in New York State of the COVID-19 bug?  In the same time period, there have been about 3,000 - 3,500 deaths.

But the lying media continues to stir-up fear and panic among the general population, not to mention scenes of masses of people flooding hospitals and emergency rooms in many parts of New York City.  However, freelance journalists have taken photos and videos of nearly empty hospital emergency rooms, as well as interviews with some doctors and nurses (off-screen, to keep their identity hidden) indicating that things are "slow," and they haven't seen the reported lines of sick, infected people!

So who, or what are we to believe?

What is the truth?

Why the fear-mongering?

Is there an agenda here?

If you look closely, you will see that our First and just about all of our Second Amendment rights have been suspended, including the closing of our churches by weak-kneed bishops afraid of their own shadows, or at least the shadow government watching over their collective shoulders!

Where is the so-called "separation of church and state"?

I fear that our shepherds have little concern for their flocks, especially now that Extreme Unction and Baptisms have ben suspended for the duration, in some dioceses.

This is a violation of the rights of the faithful under the Church's Canon Law!!

Think about it: no Masses or Baptisms or Confessions for how long?

Our hierarchs have played right into the hands of the globalists, and culture of death advocates who hate the Church and the followers of Christ...

What is the Truth of the matter??

Pray for our country, and pray, too, for Mr. Trump...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us..

Gene DeLalla

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