Sunday, April 5, 2020

What Is The Primary Mission Of The Church? The Salvation Of Souls...

How can the salvation of souls take place, if one is not able to receive the sacraments, especially the last rites of Extreme Unction, or even Confession?

With the hyped-up Wuhan virus; the so-called COVID-19 coronavirus, the bishops have, for all practical purposes, prohibited their priests from administering the sacraments of the sick, Extreme Unction, and now Baptism and Confession in many parts of the country.

If it wasn't bad enough that all Masses have been cancelled, and church doors locked, now a priest cannot even visit a nursing home, hospice, or hospital if a Catholic is dying?


The primary mission of the Church -- in case the bishops have forgotten -- is the salvation of souls, not capitulation to civil authorities, and their unjust orders to obey them.

How many times must I remind our shepherds of this?

Where does God-given common sense finally come in, and the priest dutifully disobeys his bishop who has given in to the fear-mongering of the media and government "experts" regarding this particular strain of the flu bug, and live up to his calling to provide succor to a Catholic about to face his or her Particular Judgment?

Just what is going on here?

It seems to me that we have become a nation of little boys and girls, instead of full-grown men and women.

In essence, we get what we deserve.  So, if we act like little children being led around by our masters, then we deserve the fruits of what we have become: weak and effeminate, instead of strong and manly...

Let me remind the bishops one more time: the primary mission of the Catholic Church is the salvation of souls, and that includes the conversion of non-Catholics to the Catholic Church, outside of which, there is no salvation for anyone!

I wonder if the bishops still believe that thrice-defined Dogma of the Church?  If they don't, that says volumes of why we are in such a spiritual mess in the first place.

Pray to God for forgiveness of our many heinous sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance!

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us..

Gene DeLalla

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