Thursday, March 26, 2020

A Weakened Immune System And Sickness, Including The Flu, Are They Related?

Has the coronavirus caused you to lose your job, or forced you to work from home, perhaps?

The former is tragic; the latter may be good for you...

Are your favorite restaurants shut down?

Can't get your usual, delicious burger and fries?

Have to cook at home more?

Hopefully, you still have money to purchase food to cook at home, and if you do, this just might be one of the best changes in your current lifestyle to improve your overall immune system.

Why is it that the elderly, for the most part, are the main victims of the current flu bug making its way throughout the world?

Science tells us that as we get older, our immune system changes or weakens.  Okay, if that is the case, then there are ways to strengthen our critical immune system.

Now, I  realize that many seniors that have succumbed to the Covid-19 virus had underlying health issues to begin with.  Those data are usually left out of the statistics when it comes to reporting the death toll for the day, or week, or since the beginning of this particular strain of the flu.

We do know that some of the first victims were those in nursing homes or in hospice.

We can also deduce from that fact, that the diets in those nursing homes do not foster a strengthening of the immune system, probably just the opposite.  I have been to nursing homes over the years, and have seen some of the junk that passes for food served to the elderly on a daily basis.

It is also true, that the typical American diet is, generally speaking, horrible, especially when it comes to getting the necessary nutrients that our bodies require on a daily basis in order to ward-off the attack of harmful bacteria and viruses.

I wonder, though, how many medical doctors make the connection between a rotten diet and the immune system, and how important certain vitamins and minerals are to digestive (gut) health?  In fact, the amount of nutritional training that most MDs get is notoriously lacking.  However, I believe that is beginning to change; let's hope that is the case.

Most of us know, that if you have an ailment, and make a trip to your doc, he will most likely treat a symptom, rather than attempt to find the cause of your trouble.  This is why most docs will prescribe a drug that merely addresses or lessens the original symptom, but does little or nothing to alleviate the cause.

I also wonder how many doctors will ask you what you eat on a regular basis?  If they don't, they should.  If they don't, it might be that doing so would make them look as though they are being judgmental, perhaps?  Of course, this is a stupid attitude that can lead to a worsening of an ongoing ailment...

So what can, or should we do to help make sure that we are giving our immune system all the help we can in order to fend-off any bug that just might be floating around in the general population?

First, since our bodies are composed mostly of water, it is important to stay hydratedVery important!

Second, eat when your body tells you that it's time to eat.  Sound silly?  Not really, as many people eat on impulse or from stress or emotional distress.

Third, try to insure that you purchase organic fruits and vegetables, as well as pasture raised eggs and grass-fed meat -- grown without antibiotics or growth hormones.  Also, scientists and nutritionists have lifted the ex-communication of saturated fat in the diet, and now realize the necessity of good fats, as opposed to the hydrogenated fats and oils that are used in far too many processed foods sitting on the shelf of supermarkets.

I also use a fair amount of unfortified nutritional yeast; it's loaded with vitamins and essential minerals.  If you haven't tried it, give it shot.  It has a cheesy flavor that can be added to many dishes, including salads...

Cut back on the carbohydrates -- that is a hard one for me!  I like my pasta and breads, but I'm happy to say, I have been doing a little better in that department.

Fourth, there are some critical vitamins and minerals that support a healthy immune system, such as vitamin C, D-3, along with K, E and A, and the B-complex.  As for minerals, Zinc and Selenium (selenium and vitamin E go hand-in-hand) along with other important minerals...

Many years ago, Dr. Linus Pauling discovered the incredible effects that vitamin C has when it comes to preventing or, in some cases, reversing certain diseases, as well as the positive effects for overall health.  His findings have, and continue to be attacked as quack-science.  But consider: just the other day, doctors in New York City have revealed that they have been treating coronavirus victims with massive doses of intravenous vitamin C, along with other drugs.  The results so far have been encouraging -- and real -- resulting in the lessening of symptoms as well as enhanced chance of recovery.  Time will tell....

Of course, get some exercise!

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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