Sunday, April 11, 2021

The Lunatics Are In Charge Of The Asylum, Redux...

 On March 28, 2020, I wrote: The Lunatics Are In Charge Of The Asylum...  I'm afraid that since I posted that article, things have gotten worse; much worse in many respects...

First, we have "president" Biden.  Second, we have medical "authorities" continuing their assault on our rights to freely assemble -- the First Amendment to the Bill of Rights -- emanating from their arbitrary, un-lawful dictates regarding a strain of the flu (covid) that has over a 99 percent recovery rate.  Third, we have weak-kneed mayors and governors that buy into the lie without doing research on their own, or have some of their underlings to do research to see if the claims of these "doctors" are accurate or false in the first place.  Fourth, we have the clergy -- both the local parish priest, and their bishops -- afraid of their own shadow, and capitulate to the demands of the Caesars to shut down churches, or attempt to force their Mass goers to wear face-diapers...

But that's not all... As President Truman once quipped: the buck stops here (at his desk).  Meaning, that he, as president, must take responsibility for his actions or the actions of his subordinates.  So now, we come to perhaps the worst of the enablers of the diabolical disorientation that is plaguing, not only the church, but also secular society as well: pope Bergoglio.  

How many Commandments has the current occupant of the Chair of St. Peters broken since his ascent as capo di tutti capi in 2013, after the phony "resignation" of Benedict XVI?  

I'll just name one: idolatry...

Once the clergy or laity worship false gods -- in this case, right in the heart of St. Peter's basilica -- then all the other Commandments are up for grabs... They then become the "ten suggestions," not the Ten Commandments, and are open to various interpretations, or discarded completely from the conscience of those responsible for guiding the flock, or their families, to the heavenly beatitude...

For those not in the Catholic Church, all they see and hear are the quips that Bergoglio mumbles from time to time, whether on an aircraft, or in a private audience, further contradicting -- and degrading -- the perennial teachings of holy Mother Church.  What they may not know, is that the pope is the custodian; the guardian of the Deposit of Faith, and not an innovator; at least he's not supposed to be!  But that is exactly what Bergoglio has done with his appointments to the college of cardinals, as well as anti-life, lay appointments to various "advisory" boards in the Vatican.   These appointments include, but are not limited to, population control lunatics, which includes contraception and even abortion advocates!  

What is going on here??

Unfortunately, these machinations further weaken an already shaky -- novus ordo -- house built on sand, in contrast to the house originally built on the solid, unmovable, foundation of the Rock of St. Peter. 

In effect, what we are dealing with here, are "two" churches; one based on the Deposit of Faith -- Scripture and Tradition, and one based on novelty from the Communist and homosexual infiltrators...

It is up to those faithful clergy and we laity to be able to discern what -- and who -- to follow and obey.  We simply cannot allow the lunatics to continue to run the asylum, whether in the church or in civil society, if we do nothing to counter these useful idiots, then we become part of the problem...

Pray for strength and honor -- resist!

Pray too, for the conversion of Bergoglio to the Catholic Faith...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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