Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Something Very Sinister And Illegal Is Going On At The Southern Border: Child Smuggling And Rape!

 Have you ever heard the apostate "Catholic," Nancy Pelosi, rant about: "It's for the children; it's for the children..." when pushing for some twisted Democrat legislation, spending more of our taxpayer monies, that, "ironically," adversely affects those very same children she claims to care about.

I have.

She makes me sick to my stomach -- and my soul.  This poor excuse of a "Catholic" is the number one proponent of the continuing massive slaughter of the pre-born that has taken over 61,000,000 -- that's MILLION! -- lives of pre-born babies since 1973, when the Supreme Court ruled that it was "legal" to do so...

In another piece of contorted irony, in 1973, Pelosi was 33 years old, and still having babies (she was married in 1963), while, at the same time, pushing for "reproductive rights."  Translation: the "right" to kill the pre-born, as well as her support for the radical, family-destroying, homosexual agenda!

This femme fatale has charmed (seduced) too many males into fostering her diabolical political agenda that continues to this very day, with little or no pushback from her bishop!  Such inaction emboldens the likes of Pelosi and Biden -- both "Catholics" -- to run, at breakneck speed, into the fiery abyss of hell...

And now, with an unstoppable influx of illegal aliens rushing our southern, Texas, Arizona and California borders, there is a humanitarian crisis of major proportions.  In fact, many border patrol officers have quit over the lack of support from the powers that be in Washington.  Since Biden took the White House hostage on January 21, there is an open invitation to illegals from all of Central America to come to the U.S. and get free everything, at the expense of American citizens, of course...

But it gets worse...

Now, it has come to light, by investigative reporters, at certain areas of the Texas and Arizona borders, that child smuggling is going on without a peep from the mainstream media. and a severe lack of law enforcement to intercept and jail those responsible.  What was rarely reported by that same mainstream media, that under President Trump, many "sting operations" were successfully conducted, freeing many children that had been used as sex-slaves, and arresting those responsible for those horrendous crimes against humanity.  With the illegal ascent of the corrupt Biden, those efforts have been, for all practical purposes, wiped-out, as the child smuggling and sex-trafficking continues unabated...

Where is the outrage from the likes of -- "It's for the children" -- Pelosi?  

Our Lord tells us in the Bible that it would be better for a man to have a millstone put around his neck and thrown into the sea, than to scandalize one of these little ones (St. Matthew 18:6 and St. Luke 17:2, King James Version)... That would scare the heck out of me, but I guess when one's soul is steeped in the darkness of numerous mortal sins, it becomes more difficult to discern right from wrong; good from evil... 

Our Lord also tells us to pray for our enemies...

Pray, too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla




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