Thursday, April 8, 2021

“The Most Merciful Thing A Large Family Can Do To One Of Its Infant Members Is To Kill It.”

 The title of my article comes from Margaret Sanger.  (If there are any readers seeing this for the first time, know that Sanger was the pioneer of contraception -- and, when that failed, abortion -- here in the U.S. back in the early years of the 20th Century... Her counterpart in England was a character by the name of Marie Stopes.)

Because of her persistence and influence, Stopes was instrumental in finally convincing the Church of England to adapt birth control at the infamous Lambert Conference of 1930. In effect, those at the Conference relented, and determined that contraception (birth control) no longer violated the Natural Law, and, hence, was no longer a serious sin against God.  

Stopes and Sanger did not like each other, but the movement they started has led to the horrendous title of my article; through abortion, and now infanticide...

In just one point of extreme irony, in 22 years, Anne Higgins (Sanger's mother) conceived 18 times, birthing 11 alive before dying at the age of 49. Sanger was the sixth of 11 surviving children.

Why is it that many proponents of contraception, and now abortion, have come from large, in some cases, Catholic families, as Sanger did?   As a note of interest, her father eventually embraced atheism?

But the irony doesn't stop there... A radical racist eugenicist, Sanger's aim was to eliminate the black race from American soil.  Her program of genocide had to have the cooperation of black pastors in order for her diabolical plan to work.  Incredibly, many black Americans unwittingly signed on, either out of ignorance, or demonic disorientation, to the final solution of her contraception and abortion agenda to kill-off black pre-born babies...

The sacrificing of the pre-born on the "altar of choice" or "convenience," has led to "legalizing" the mass murder of millions since the infamous Roe v Wade, 1973, Supreme Court decision... 

Over the last several decades, some very prominent black pastors, as well as black politicians, have become known as some of the most ardent supporters of abortion and "reproductive rights"!  It is a fact, that New York City has become the abortion capitol of the U.S., where more black babies are aborted than there are born. In addition, in 2010, "planned parenthood" came under scrutiny after a census suggested that the abortion giant was preying on black communities as 79% of their surgical abortion facilities were within walking distance of African American or Hispanic communities.

The hypocrisy of "planned parenthood" is on display for all to see, as they claim that "black lives matter," but in reality, are the primary killers of blacks in the U.S.: abortion-induced deaths of the pre-born in the black community are 69 times higher than HIV deaths, 31 times higher than (all other) homicides, 3.6 times higher than cancer-related deaths, and 3.5 times higher than deaths caused by heart disease!

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s, niece, Alveda -- an ardent supporter of the pro-life movement -- bemoans the slaughter of her race by the so-called "leaders" in the political and ecclesiastical world.  And because of her pro-life views, she has been attacked by members of her own race, even though they see their precious pre-born being snuffed-out in massive numbers, right in front of them, and with their support and influence, no less!

At the present time, it seems that Satan is in control; having a "field-day" of death and mayhem, but we also know, that in the end, the heel of the Blessed Mother of our Lord will crush the serpent's head, and send that monster and his legions of demonic angels back to hell for all eternity... 

Pray for strength and honor -- and for an end to one of the sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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