Sunday, April 18, 2021

If There Was Ever Any Doubt... About The Hellish Demons That Have Infiltrated The Biden "Administration"...

 The commander-in-chief of the baby killers, here in the U.S., has officially surrounded himself -- or should I say, insulated himself -- with those murderous cronies from all corners of the fruited plane.  These miscreants include the new HHS secretary, Xavier Becerra, the apostate Catholic former A.G. of California, to the male who calls himself "Rachel" Levine, and was recently approved to serve under Becerra.  Both these characters are radical pro-abortion, as well as extremists when it comes to supporting the LGBT/homosexual activists intent on destroying the Natural Law -- of marriage and family.

Right now, the Demonrats in the Congress and the Senate are having a field day, approving any nominee that can move, breathe air or slither on the ground, to high, government positions, all at the expense of God-fearing, law-abiding Americans -- and the pre-born...

As we watch these bizarre events unfold right before our eyes, I'm reminded of what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah when God's justice -- wrath! -- was called down from Heaven and the twin-cities were destroyed to the last human...

What is going on in the U.S. -- and has been for decades now -- is far worse than the reason for those poor souls being wiped out.  It is said that curiosity killed the cat, and the curiosity of Lot's wife got the better of her, as she stands to this very day as a pillar of salt (see Genesis 19:26, King James Version)...

The Biden regime is now forcing the culture of death on unsuspecting Americans by illicit, un-Constitutional, arbitrary fiats from the Oval Office, tearing apart the prohibitions that President Trump put in place to give the pre-born child a chance to breathe air... Our tax payer monies are now being allocated for child sacrifice on a massive scale! 

There is much glee and "happiness" among the demons, especially those demons that the apostate "Catholic" Biden has managed to get through the senate committees and are now at the helm of some of the most powerful and influential agencies within the federal government; HHS being one such agency that wields such incredible power!

Some Catholics may be wondering how can other Catholics promote the destruction of life and the family -- both are related?

I'm afraid that the answer lies in very poor catechesis, leading to the lack of faith or the loss of faith altogether... But it's not just those poorly trained Catholics in high places and in positions of power that is so scary, it is the incalculable damage done through scandal when others -- whether Catholic or not -- see the actions and words of the apostates, such as Biden, Becerra and the like...

Poor catechesis is not something that is isolated to that insidious crew currently holding the White House hostage, but encompasses the majority of Catholics throughout the Church, as surveys and polls have recently indicated.  For example, the percentage of Catholics who believe that contraception -- and abortion -- not to mention homosexual "marriage" should be available and practiced as a matter of individual conscience, is astounding!  The figures are well above 50 percent in all categories, and as high as 72 percent!  Remember, these are the sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance, especially the blood of the innocents...

All we have to do is to look at what passes for the hierarchy in the U.S. as well in most of the Western nations, except on the continent of Africa, where prelates disdain and condemn the attempted forcing and implementation of "Western values" on their flocks...

It is a sad fact, that those hierarchs that are tasked with the supreme law of the church: the salvation of souls, have betrayed their Master in favor of worldly pursuits just as their secular counterparts.  But those who wear the Roman collar, will have to face one hell of a judgment, that is, if they don't repent and shout from the housetops the truths that must be followed in order to be saved... I fear that it is way too late for many hierarchs, as they are dead to sin, and lack the ability to recognize the graces that may still be available to them...

What are faithful Catholics to do as those in charge of the Ship of State continue their attacks on the family and the Natural Law?  Resist them to the face!  I think it is not outside the realm of possibility that we may suffer a martyrdom -- white for sure -- and perhaps, red, as the Cristeros suffered for the Faith in Mexico in the 1920s, fighting the Communists and Masons...

Pray for Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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