Friday, April 2, 2021

Did Truth And Real Manhood Die On The Cross? A Good Friday Reflection...

 I'll answer the question: The perfect Man and perfect Truth did die on the Cross when our Lord gave up the ghost...

Ever since then, we human beings have been in one, continuous spiritual and moral mess.  This is evidenced by the events and people we see and experience around us, on a daily basis...

It's as if Judas was "resurrected," or "reincarnated" to haunt and tempt mankind with his legions of demons, trying to seduce, even the Elect, if that were possible.

If this horrific situation applied only to secular society, that would be bad enough, but it has, for centuries, afflicted the church, or what is left of it, as well.  This has never been more apparent than over the last 60 years...

Fast-forward to the present, and witness those who claim to be the shepherds of the flock of the faithful, who, in reality, are nothing but the new Judases, afraid or unwilling to preach -- from the housetops -- the truth of the reality of the wages of sin, being the death of the soul...

This form of ecclesiastical treason bubbles over into secular society as well.  We see this with abortion being "legal"; and government "leaders" subverting our God-given rights for "safety" or "security" -- both notions condemned by the Founding Fathers as a sure way to complete despotism and total slavery.

Christ died for all our sins, but we act as if He didn't come down from His heavenly abode, and decided to leave us to our own devices... We are now seeing the ramifications of our actions, or inactions for that matter, with new wars and rumors of wars; constant lies morphing into the "truth"; and the severe loss of any semblance of real manhood and real womanhood, at the expense of the most precious gift we have on this earth: our children.

Christ tells us in the Bible that those who scandalize one of these little ones (children or babies -- killing them?), it would be better that he had never been born!  

We are being sucker-punched, not only by our elected officials, but also by those clergy who care more about their illicit sexual lusts, as well as obtaining money, position and power in this life, not believing that they will be held accountable in the next...

I agree wholeheartedly.

How can we possibly expect to be saved if we align ourselves with these modern-day Judases, while rejecting those "hard sayings" of Christ -- which, when followed, lead to the eternal beatitude?

On Good Friday, when Christ -- the Redeemer of the world -- was dying on the Cross, the devil thought that he was winning a great victory over mankind, but as soon as our Lord breathed His last, Satan knew Who the real Victor was -- and still is! 

It is our duty -- especially as fathers and heads of households -- to follow Christ and His true Church, regardless of the consequences hurled at us from the heathen; whether they wear three-piece suits, or the Roman collar...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey! Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!

Gene DeLalla 


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