Saturday, April 24, 2021

The Slaughter Of Babies Worldwide: 139 Babies Killed Through Abortion Every, Single Minute!

 The World Health Organization tells us that EVERY MINUTE, 139 babies in the world die of abortion.

How can we not be moved by these data??

Today, Saturday, April 24, 2021, will be a "big day" for "planned parenthood" here in the U.S.  Why do I say that?  Because Saturdays are a huge money-maker for that killing machine, with nearly 10,000 babies across the country dying in the most gruesome of ways by the butcher-"doctors" employed, not only by "planned parenthood," but also by other abortion mills scattered across the fruited plain...

We hear a lot these days about racism; especially about white police officers and their actions toward blacks on the streets of America.  For the most part, the single most "overlooked" statistic is that there is much greater black-on-black crime that far exceeds any white on black crime, whether by police "brutality," or white gang members taking out black gang members.  

The liberals, of course, cry foul when a black criminal is taken out by police -- whether that police officer is white or black! -- but are silent when it comes to the massive black-on-black crime spree we read about that goes on in that war zone of Chicago.  Los Angeles and Houston are not far behind when it comes to homicides and mayhem on the streets of those major cities...

So, where is the real racism, and can we point to those perpetrating that racism without slandering or defaming those accused?

The answer is in the statistics provided by two organizations that reflect the effects of abortion on the black population: the Guttmacher Institute (the research arm of "planned parenthood") and the CDC (Center for Disease Control) -- not exactly two "conservative" organizations!

With that said, here are statistics that should open the eyes of those who claim that "black lives matter," but in reality, that organization is the most aggressive of the pro-abortion advocates on the political scene...

Black females, ages 15-44, make up 14.2 percent of all females in that age group in the U.S.  But well over 38 percent of all abortions are performed on black mothers!   Those numbers are taken from the CDC's data, but does not include abortion data from New York and California as those two states do not report such information to the CDC.  Keep in mind that New York is known as the abortion capital of the U.S. with California a close second... 

This diabolical scenario was -- and still is -- part of the heinous plan of the racist-eugenicist and founder of "planned parenthood," Margaret Sanger to eliminate the blacks from U.S. soil!

There is your real racism!  What is even more incomprehensible, is that many blacks in the Congress and the Senate, are radical pro-abortion advocates!   It seems that destroying their own race means nothing, yet they put on the show of caring about and ending "systemic racism" in our country!  


Now, we have the most radical of all pro-abortion "administrations" in U.S. history under the apostate Catholic, Biden, and his radical anti-Catholic bigot, "vice-president," Harris, contributing to the real systemic racism plaguing our beloved land... 

Willful murder of the innocents: one of the sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance!  God will not be mocked; He will have His JUSTICE, whether in this life, or in the next...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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