Tuesday, April 27, 2021

A False Shepherd Of The False (Catholic) Church Confirms That He Is A False Shepherd!!

 The following are definitions of the word, false: 1) not according with truth or fact; incorrect; 2) appearing to be the thing denoted; deliberately made or meant to deceive; 3) illusory; not actually so; 4) treacherous; unfaithful.

The false shepherds of the false "Catholic" Church just can't keep their mouths shut, and keep their diabolical plans under the radar screen.  Why?  Because they feel emboldened by their master, Satan, and relish the thought that they have an ally sitting in the Chair of St. Peter, Francis...

One of the most in-your-face, anti-life, anti-Christ "cardinals" ever to wear the Roman collar, Cdl. Cupich of Chicago, has forbidden Mass to be said at the University of Chicago.  But that's not all... the following is an excerpt from an article on lifesitenews.com, by the Staff of lifesitenews:  "Not only was Holy Mass canceled for the Catholic students at the Catholic Center Calvert House, but in an email distributed to the students from Associate Director of Campus Ministry Matthew Moran, the students were directed to not attend Holy Mass at the nearby St. Thomas the Apostle Church.

“Some students at Calvert House were definitely of the opinion that the way to show obedience to the Bishop was to stay at home and not go to Mass,” Duffy told LifeSiteNews in a phone interview. “Others, like myself, thought, ‘this is bizarre that the bishop is telling young people not to go to Mass’ … we did not obey that order and went to Mass elsewhere.”

“Cupich is collapsing church attendance by voluntarily imposing excessive COVID rules and regulations,” Duffy said.  

"Duffy isn’t the only Catholic frustrated with the cardinal. Last May, a group called the St. Charles Borromeo Society blasted Cupich for his restrictive reopening plan

"Pro-LGBT Cupich, one of the most heterodox bishops in the United States, has said there is a “moral obligation” to take the experimental, abortion-tainted coronavirus shots. He also supports giving Communion to pro-abortion politicians in defiance of Church law; is affiliated with the far-left, dissident Association of US Catholic Priests (AUSCP), which calls for the priestly “ordination” of women; defended the “Pachamama” idol worship during the October 2019 Amazon Synod in Rome; and has persecuted faithful priests, including Father Paul Kalchick, who was forced into hiding after burning the homosexual rainbow flag.

“Cupich seems more interested in woke virtue signaling, closing churches, and covering for child rapists than he is in spreading the gospel and administering the Eucharist in a crime-ridden, murderous city that desperately needs the church,” wrote Duffy, who also detailed Cupich’s “long history” of covering up sex abuse allegations.

“While students are far from home, missing their families, and experiencing unprecedented isolation and loneliness during a pandemic that is less deadly for them than the seasonal flu, Cupich turns his back and locks the church doors,” she concluded."

End of excerpt...

My comment... It is apparent that Cupich, along with Tobin of Newark, NJ, McElroy of San Diego, and a vast number of other "bishops," are part of a cabal of homosexuals -- or at least homosexual, lgbt-friendly -- determined to strip the Church of the role to preach the Gospel for the salvation of souls, and instead preach the "gospel" of the man of sin that will introduce the anti-Christ who will deceive, even if possible, the Elect...

I have a question for these monsters: do you really believe in God, and that you will all be held accountable for your horrendous actions leading the flock astray?

A foolish question, I know...

Pray for strength and honor to resist these false shepherds!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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