Thursday, April 22, 2021

Who Is The Worst Of The Greatest Mass Murderers In All Of World History???

 Moa; Stalin; Lenin; the Khmer Rouge; or is it Xi of Communist China??

If you add up the numbers of those souls killed for political or "economic" reasons, the total is somewhere near 250,000,000 worldwide (that figure includes war dead).  (If I'm off in those statistics, please correct me...)

If I were to answer my own question, I would have to say it was not any of those Communist dictators that I listed above.  That is not to say that the number of those murdered and war dead is not a horrendous destruction of precious lives and souls, it is.  But if not them, then who?

The answer: the current regime pushing worldwide vaccinations with mostly untested, tainted -- with DNA and RNA-altering chemicals, as well as fetal cell lines from aborted children.  


Gates, Fauci, Biden, Pelosi, Trudeau, Johnson, the WHO, the CDC, the "Catholic" hierarchy, and others who have sold their immortal souls to the demon for short-lived power and position in this life.  The misuse of that illicit power is on display for all to see... in some countries, there is now forced vaccinations of vaccines that has caused tens of thousands of deaths -- underreported by the mainstream media, if reported at all -- not to mention horrible, debilitating side effects numbering in hundreds of thousands, if not millions!

It is interesting to note, or shall I say, sad, that most of those names listed above, are apostate Catholics!  Isn't it always the case, that those who reject God, their real Master, fall prey to the wickedness and snares of their new master, Satan?  These anti-Christs are emboldened by a hierarchy who have also sold out to the zeitgeist; they have lost their Catholic faith, that is, if they ever had it in the first  place...   

Many of those very same hierarchy are either homosexuals, or at least sympathetic to the sodomites, as the current occupant of the Chair of St. Peter has admitted numerous times in numerous interviews, especially when flying from point A to point B... These imposters compose, what has been prophesied, as a false church.  It may resemble the true church, but appearances mean little; their goal of a one-world-church, under the man of sin, gives them away... (I wonder if Bergoglio undergoes some type of mental fog once the jet reaches an altitude of 35,000 or 40,000 feet?)

The overall goal of these maniacs, is to reduce the population of the earth -- in order to save the earth? -- this is not a conspiracy theory, but has been planned by numerous organizations, with billions of dollars coming from the likes of Gates, Soros, et al...  To put it bluntly, these humans hate their fellow humans!   Their goal: to reduce the seven+ billion population of the earth, to less than one-half billion!

If anyone thinks that the recent -- and, in some cases, ongoing -- lockdowns were tough on families and businesses, you haven't seen anything yet.  That was only a warmup to get the sheeple used to illicit and unlawful dictates from authoritarian medical and civil "authorities."  Their plan has, and continues to work, as we still see far too many Americans wearing the filthy, ineffective face-diapers, not to mention gladly sticking out their arms to get injected with the filthy, and, in some cases, deadly "vaccine" either to show they are "real Americans," doing their part to secure herd immunity, or out of fear of not being able to travel freely or live their lives in some sense of normalcy... 

I have said this before: appeasement never has, nor will it ever work!

Ben Franklin said that those who give up their liberties for some sense of security, deserve neither...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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