Sunday, April 4, 2021

The Biggest Liars And Destroyers Of The Natural Law Are Apostate "Catholics." Are They "Manchurian Candidates"?

 Their actions and words speak for themselves, don't they?  Are they "Manchurian Candidates" recruited and directed to run for federal office, with the intention of destroying America from within?

The Founding Fathers of our country, said that only a moral nation will be able to survive as a moral Republic.

We have not been a moral Republic for many decades.  Witness the ongoing slaughter of the pre-born after the 1973 Supreme Court decision in Roe v Wade -- that has taken the lives of over 62,000,000 MILLION! babies in the womb; the removal of any form of formal prayer that acknowledges God as their Creator (even silent prayer) from the public school system, in the early 1960's; the Supreme Court decision that re-wrote the definition of marriage, where, in 2015, it was found somewhere in the Constitution, that homosexual "marriage" is a right and must be recognized as legal and binding, as real, traditional marriage.   There have been many other miscarriages of justice that will continue to haunt our beloved country until hearts and minds return to God, if not, then the soul of the nation will sink completely into the bowels of hell itself...

The actions of the court, as well as those of our "elected" representatives, mirrors the Communist ideology that has murdered over 100,000,000 humans over the last 100 years!

Of course, I could list another million violations and attacks on the Natural Law and God-given common sense, but if we look at the two, key, Supreme Court decisions mentioned above, we see, with horror, that many who sit on the bench -- for lifetime appointments -- are composed of "Catholics."  

How can this be??

I'm not sure I can answer that question definitively, but one possible reason is that once a Catholic loses his faith, he opens the door to demonic influences, which in turn, affects their intellect, and their ability to make rational and moral decisions.  A good example of this, is to look at the two cases that, for all practical purposes, turned our country into another Sodom and Gomorrah, inviting the wrath of God to reduce us to little more than burning cinders.  

The question begs: where was, or is, the Church in all of this?   Why weren't those wayward "Catholics" admonished, or, if warranted, ex-communicated for their support of two of the major sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance?

Perhaps there were "Manchurian Candidates" recruited to enter the seminaries, become "priests" and bring the Church down from within?   This is not as far-fetched as it may seem, as there is plentiful evidence that this was done from the 1920's onward, as Bella Dodd -- who eventually converted to the Catholic faith before her death -- testified before Congress in the 1950's.  What she revealed was incredulous to some, but she pointed out the way the Communists would influence and control children -- through the public school system! -- to form their thinking processes that are devoid of love of God and country.  Bella Dodd's accusations were corroborated by Lewis Budenz, himself a Communist, who also converted to the Catholic faith before he died... 

Today, we have the likes of Pelosi, and now, Biden, in the highest offices in the land, already implementing a radical, socialist agenda, with the aim of transforming our country into another Communist, third-world, Godless, hell-hole, denying our natural rights given to us from the very God they despise...

We get what we deserve, as individuals and as a society...

There is only one, real solution to all that has befallen us: Christ, our Lord, Who's Resurrection we celebrate this Sunday, April 4, 2021.  Without Him, we can do nothing...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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