Monday, April 5, 2021

Is There A Rampage Of Shootings And Killings With Rifles In The U.S.?


In fact, the CDC, as well as the FBI's own statistics, will show the lie that "mass shootings" are a pandemic, slaughtering tens of thousands of Americans every year...

So, here are some numbers that puts the lie to those who want to deprive law-abiding citizens of their right to keep and bear arms, as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution...

First, CDC data shows unintentional firearm deaths for 2018 came in at 458.

Second, FBI figures look at the intentional, criminal use of firearms, and show a total of 297 deaths from rifles of any kind in 2018.

Third, in addition, FBI figures also show that 443 people were killed with hammers, clubs, or other “blunt objects.”

Fourth, for 2018, the CDC shows that 37,455 people died from unintentional falls throughout the year. 

And lastly, falling accounted for at least 126 times as many fatalities as rifles of any kind!

What does this mean in the overall scheme of things?

These are inconvenient data for Democrat lawmakers who are currently demanding a new round of nationwide gun-controls, especially AR-15s and AK-47s.

Perhaps those guiding the ship-of-state, in the federal government, should now demand legislation prohibiting people from using ladders or climbing up the stairs in their own homes??

One more question: who are the real criminals in this whole scenario of proposed gun-control initiatives? 

Why, it's none other than those who want to disarm us, so as to remove the last barrier to their evil plans to destroy our Republic and turn it into another Red, Communist hell-hole of slavery and total despair... 

Ain't gonna happen!!

(Some of the information for this article was gleaned from a story in by AWR Hawkins.) 

Pray for strength and honor -- and for truth!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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