Monday, April 26, 2021

Is Senator Rand Paul Ignoring The Facts Regarding The Wuhan Coronavirus?

 Over the past two weeks, Sen. Rand Paul was interviewed, not once, but twice regarding his take on face-diaper wearing, and getting the untested, filthy vaccine developed with the cell lines of poor, murdered babies.  In addition, Sen. Paul called out the liar and fraud, "Dr." Fauci (the pro-abortion, apostate Catholic) during senatorial hearings on the on-going "pandemic" of the so-called covid virus.  Senator Paul rightly labeled Fauci "a petty tyrant."  

Fauci didn't like that designation, and retaliated with childish stupidity -- as he usually does when caught in a blatant lie...

Sen. Paul pressed the lying mouthpiece about those who have gotten the vaccine, are still being told to keep wearing the face-diaper.  Asking: when will Americans get back their freedoms and liberties??

The main goal, of course, of these anti-life, Christ-haters, is that we will never get our freedoms or our liberties back -- never!  It's all about government controlling every aspect of our lives, from cradle to grave!!

To make a long story short, after this back and forth between Sen. Paul and the fraud, Fauci, Paul gave two short interviews explaining to the lady reporter that what good is it to get the vaccination if those who do get it, are still required to keep wearing a face-diaper?  

I agree, but then he went one step further destroying his credibility after all the good work he's done to combat the hoax and destruction of the American fabric, by telling the interviewer that people will be reluctant to get vaccinated if they have to continue to wear a face-diaper!  

In other words, he's all for folks getting vaccinated!  This is not my opinion, but it is what he said in another interview shortly after the first... He explained in the interview there have been no deaths or hospitalizations due to the vaccines.  To make his point, he used his hand to indicate "zero" hospitalizations!  

That is an outright lie!

The number of those who have died or who have had severe adverse reactions to the filthy vaccine, now numbers in the tens of thousands, with horror stories pouring in daily, not only within our country, but also from other countries around the world.  Some countries have stopped the use of certain vaccines because of all the deaths and mayhem attributed to them!

Pregnant women are experiencing horrible reactions; an 18-year-old had to undergo three major brain surgeries in order to combat blood clots caused from the "vaccine."  People considered healthy are dropping like flies after getting vaccinated, including folks in their 40s, 50s as well as the famous ball player, Hank Aaron, and the well-known, 66-year-old boxer, Marvin Hagler.   

I am a veteran... I get e-mails every single day about getting the jab.  Right now, it's all voluntary for any veteran that "wants it," but the day will come, I'm afraid, when it will become mandatory.  If that happens, I will leave the "health care" of the VA and go completely natural/alternative... 

The Veterans Administration (VA) has ramped-up the propaganda machine constantly drilling into the heads of veterans to get, not one, but both shots of the gene-altering, filthy vaccine.   Brainwashed veterans are gladly sticking out their arms to get the jab, including at least one vet over 100 years old!  Why did he submit?   He fought in World War Two and faced-down a deadly enemy... Is he more afraid of a virus that has a recovery rate of over 99 percent??  How much longer does he think he's going to live?   Does he think that getting that deadly shot will give him another year or two before he meets his Maker??

I am sick and tired of seeing healthy, young people walking around with a face-diaper, not to mention parents having their little children wearing that oxygen-altering piece of cloth... Where is the manhood of these fathers??  The example they are giving to their children will make a negative lasting impression of fear and anxiety.  This has been proven thousands of times with young people committing suicide at alarming rates due to isolation and severe depression.  But the Fauci's of the world care little, and, in fact, it is all part of their plan to reduce the earth's population to half-a-billion people, with the elites in charge of our every breath, literally!


Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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