Saturday, April 10, 2021

We Are Letting Our Freedoms Slip Away!

 Even before the incompetent, incoherent, dystopian boob, Biden, stole the 2020 presidential election, it was apparent that even some of the senators from his own party knew those facts, yet they let this apostate "Catholic" continue his war against women, the pre-born, and the Natural Law.  Not to mention being bought and paid for by certain foreign governments; e.g., Communist Red China and the former corrupt Ukraine, with one of the goals of allowing his, even more corrupt, son, Robert Hunter, to amass huge sums of money while supporting his well-known drug habits... 

Now, we are paying the price by seeing our Constitutional rights slipping away by "executive orders," which are, by definition, arbitrary dictates from the occupant of the Oval Office.  I admit, that some E.O.s can be aligned with those very same rights, but that depends, again, on who is in the White House, and his political bent; either right or left.  It is a rare thing that any semblance of good will ever come from a leftist, and because of that, we are under the thumb of, not only a fraudulently elected miscreant, but also someone who cannot put two sentence together at one time without forgetting where he is, or who he is.  

Remember, it is Biden that has his finger on the nuclear button; heaven help us!  And right now, he continues to rub salt in the eyes of Russia's Putin.  How much longer will the Russian Bear put up with the pin-pricks of the American Eagle before he strikes back??  It should be remembered that Putin is getting really buddy-buddy with Xi of Communist Red China, with joint war games, and increased trade backed by gold and silver, rather than the "reserve currency" of the near-worthless U.S. dollar.

Does Biden not see what is happening here??  Or was this planned even before the stolen 2020 presidential election?

Is it America first, or has the plan been hatched to make America last, subservient to the real "superpowers" of Red China and Russia?   I have little doubt that Biden would betray his country in order to cement his place in the new-world-order of the one-world-governance as suggested by none other than pope Bergoglio.  I am convinced that these two characters are acting in collusion -- real collusion, not the phony Russia collusion hoax perpetrated against President Trump, which, by the way, is still going on!

Recently, Xi of Communist China, said that it is a problem that Americans have so many guns... Translation: he is afraid that, because we are armed to the teeth, any attempted "Red Dawn" on our soil will meet with ultimate defeat.  But  Biden doesn't seem to care one iota about whether or not we can defend ourselves, as he continues to push for more and more "gun control" in order to combat "gun violence" on American streets.  There's only one problem with that stupid hypothesis: he is doing nothing -- nothing! -- to address the street gangs that snuff-out innocent lives, as well as drug lords and gangsters that roam the streets of some of our largest cities -- the war-zone of Chicago comes to mind -- mostly under Democratic governors and mayors, while making it more difficult for law abiding citizens to protect themselves and their families!

Tyranny can come in many forms.   And with the continuing hoax of the so-called "covid pandemic," badge-heavy, authoritarian bureaucrats have, and continue to issue, unlawful, arbitrary dictates telling us to wear face-diapers, and get an untested, filthy vaccine that has taken the lives of literally thousands of people both here and in other major countries of the Western world.  This doesn't even take into account the tens of thousands of adverse reactions to folks, shortly after being stuck with a "vaccine" developed and marketed after using the fetal cell lines from aborted babies...

If we don't resist the malefactor in the White House, and continue to submit to un-Constitutional rules and regulations, what will happen in our country, can best be described by the British author, Frederick Forsyth wrote this concerning what he continues to witness in England:  

“I have only once before seen anything like it. This was when I was posted to East Germany in 1962. Such a brainwashing tactic was employed to frighten East Berliners into believing that the Berlin Wall was a defensive measure to protect them from tiny West Berlin, and that the Stasi was their guardian. The wall was of course an instrument of enslavement.

Pray for strength and honor -- and resist!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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