Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Have U.S. Military Commanders Gone Absolutely Nuts?

 What has happened to our military "leaders"?

Recently, I wrote an article: The U.S. Military -- One Big Petri Dish!

Things have gotten progressively worse since I posted that article...

Please read the following article posted on  Wristbands...

and dining cards: New Army policies exclude, isolate unvaccinated.

My comment: If these idiotic "commanders" want to play right into the hands of our enemies by demoralizing and isolating our troops, then they should be busted in rank and forced out of the service.

But, considering who is now holding the White House hostage, I don't see that happening.  Which leads me to believe that those in charge in the military are scared to death of standing up for their troops, and instead are willing to kowtow to the loose canon sitting in the Oval Office...  

One thing a commander never -- repeat: never -- wants to do, is to make their soldiers, etc., "angry" by forcing them into a corner.  Why?  Because, in essence, these boot-licking commanders are playing with fire, and they just may get burnt in the form of a justifiable mutiny against unjust and illicit orders...

Further, our men in uniform are not animals, nevertheless, when troops have, not only themselves to think about, but also their families, things could very easily spiral out of control. 

 However, the nation can and will suffer.  In fact, I contend that with the social experimentation that is currently going on (read my article above) there will be a continued exodus of dedicated, experienced non-commissioned officers (NCOs) unwilling to compromise their moral and spiritual beliefs!

Without capable NCOs, the services will slowly (quickly?) die on the vine, and will be replaced with males and females with altered genes, or males who think they are females, and vice versa...

This is a recipe for disaster.  Our enemies -- the Communists -- are laughing so hard, they can't catch their breath!  And, by the way, that includes the Communists already within our borders, in the form of Antifa, BLM, and their murderous ilk...

Senator McCarthy was right: there were Communists in the federal government, then (in the 1940's and 1950's), and there are many more Communists in the federal government now!

Remember, when a serviceman raises his right hand and takes the solemn oath to defend the Constitution, it goes something like this: from all enemies, both foreign and domestic...  

Domestic enemies!

Pray for strength and honor for our troops -- and their families...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!

Gene DeLalla


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