Saturday, March 6, 2021

Do People REALLY Go To Hell? Yes, "Bishop" Barron, They Do...

 (This is a follow-up to my recent article: Hooray, I'm Saved!! I Have No Doubt About It -- "Bishop" Barron "Told" Me!)

I hope I don't sound "negative" all the time, but we do have to face reality, don't we?  This is especially true in these troubled times when, not only the secular humanists deny their Creator, but also those who wear the Roman collar do the same.  This denial comes in many forms, mainly by the opposite of living up to the two great Commandments: to love God and neighbor...

To break this down a little further, just take a look at the excessive capitulation to Caesar instead of rendering what is due to the secular authorities.

Before the 2020 presidential election, the Biden campaign drew, misplaced support from those hierarchs sympathetic with the Democrat party, even though their platform included expanded funding of abortion through the use of taxpayer monies.  That, in itself, was -- and still is -- a betrayal of the Source of Life, Christ our Lord.  If that wasn't bad enough, far too many bishops and cardinals are in league with the sodomites pushing their diabolical "lifestyle," along with the agenda of the so-called LGBT cadre.  We know they are hell-bent on destroying the traditional distinction and roles of man and woman, especially attacking the primary building-block of society; the family...

But now, it seems that some bishops have awaken from their politically-induced slumber, and have begun to throw Biden under the bus for his extreme -- un-Christian -- stance on life-issues.   This may be too little too late, but at least the condemnation is a step in the right direction... However, nothing will change or force the likes of Biden and the cabal of "Catholic" politicians to amend their lives and return to their precious faith, except by a public ex-communication for their public mortal sins, including that of scandal...

The secular political and medical "authorities" have successfully coerced the clergy, at their every whim, with little push-back, when they arbitrarily ordered the closure of church doors for months on end, denying the faithful of the sacraments.   

Those in charge of shepherding the souls of their flocks to the heavenly beatitude, have polluted their sacred calling in favor of power, position, and filthy lucre in this life, with little or no consideration of where they will spend eternity in the next.  The consequences of not admonishing "Catholic" pols, or preaching the culture of life from the housetops, will be severe; make no mistake.  That is why there must be penance and more penance to assuage the wrath of almighty God.  For far too long, clergy, laity -- and those in the political, secular realm -- have weakened the once-great shining City on the Hill, to near oblivion.  But we also know, that Christ has promised that the gates of hell will never prevail against His Church, even if that church is reduced to a few: the Elect; the Remnant!

Right now, as I write this, there is a massive idolatrous event happing in Iraq in or near the ancient city of Ur, where "religions" from all over the globe are meeting to "dialogue" with Bergoglio.  Unfortunately, nothing good will come of such a gathering, but only more discord and confusion among what is left of the faithful Christian, trying to do their best to please God, rather than men...  

In conclusion, those men who are the heads of households, and those women who are the heart of their families, must remain steadfast in fulfilling their state in life.  Their main job: to guard and protect the souls of their offspring, regardless of the potentially negative consequences from apostate "Catholic" politicians, or clergy that have become the new Judas', deserting the flock at the first sign of the approaching, ravenous wolves...

I cannot imagine the accountability that such "Catholics" will have to face at their Particular Judgment...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!

Gene DeLalla

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