Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Sorry, But I Have To Discuss -- Again -- Abortion: The Slaughter Of The Pre-born...

 Abortion is not only the willful killing of the pre-born, it is also a form of national suicide... 

We are committing national suicide; we have allowed the destruction of several generations of American girls and boys, denied their right to life and the pursuit of happiness in this life, by knowing, loving and serving God, and being happy with Him in the next!

Much has been made of the isolation and "social-distancing" due to illicit, un-lawful, arbitrary mandates of the anti-Christ authoritarians, in the form of Democrat (and, sadly, some Republican) governors, mayors, county supervisors, down to the pip-squeak, badge-heavy, store manager demanding we all wear face-diapers, because of a nearly non-existent "pandemic"... 

Coming on the heels of this lunacy, is the resulting increase in depression and, worst of all, suicide, not only of adults who have lost their only means of supporting their families, or had their businesses destroyed, but also children snuffing out their young lives out of pure despair, most likely ending up in hell for all eternity, objectively speaking...  

How horrible is that!?

Yet, the statistics on the outrageous up-tick in suicides pales in comparison to the ongoing murder we see and hear about on a daily basis being carried out in the abortion mills, such as "planned parenthood," and other crime organizations...

Since the 1973 Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision making the killing of the pre-born "legal," there have been an estimated 60-62,000,000 -- MILLION --American babies either torn apart, or chemically dissolved because -- of what?  An inconvenience?  Because a child might get in the way of a career?  "I don't want any more children, I have enough to worry about"...

Notice the "I" in the last sentence?  Where is the father in these decisions to sacrifice their tiny child on the altar of the religion of death and mayhem?

I must warn those reading this article, that the following video is very disturbing, and, quite frankly, disgusting, but the truth shall set us free...

Abortion: The Fight For The Soul Of Humanity (infowars.com)

This should scare and repulse all right-thinking, God-fearing folks who know that all lives matter...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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