Friday, March 12, 2021

Why Those Who Adhere To The Truth Of God's Holy Religion Are Persecuted And Defamed By The Very Shepherds Who Are Supposed To Be The Guardians Of That Truth...

 The title of my article exudes with irony, and begs an answer.

If I had to take a "wild guess," it would be that the shepherds have compromised that revealed truth, in order to make-nice with the secular realm, but, in doing so, betray those who do not compromise our Lord's teachings through His holy church. 

That answer is bad enough, but is there something more sinister going on here?

Compromise and novelty is nothing new, and has it's roots going back to the nascent church -- even while the Apostles were still alive, preaching and baptizing those who would be saved.  In fact, St. Paul indicates that sound doctrine will be replaced with distortions of the truth and fables: I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fablesBut watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. (2 Timothy 4:1-6, King James Version.)

St. Paul saw this happening in his own time, warning and admonishing his flock to be on-guard when the heretics would come, and they did come to confuse and scatter his new congregations...

This is exactly what has happened in the church, and continues to happen as I write this missive. 

There is an entrenched, deep conspiracy to lead, even the Elect, if that were possible, away from Christ and toward the infernal abyss, where suffering persists for all eternity.

The following is an excerpt from an article in written by Zachary Yost: "State hostility towards religion and the religious institutions through which religion is exercised is not driven solely, or in some cases even primarily, by the current secular zeitgeist. Rather, religion and religious institutions represent a major obstacle to the exercise of state control and the centralization of social power. In the Western context, orthodox Christianity especially poses a threat to this agenda due to its adherents’ membership in a kingdom “not of this world.” It is difficult for the immanent state to compete to be the primary reference for people who, by virtue of their religion, are members of a transcendent order."

What does that have to do with the bishops (shepherds) of the American Catholic Church?  (Note: Instead of the "American Catholic Church," the institution should be described as: The Catholic American Church, that is, if the perennial teachings of the Magisterium were, in fact, preached from the housetops without compromise, but sadly, they are not!  By the way, it was Pope Leo XIII who specifically condemned the error of "Americanism".)

To find the answer to that question, one only has to use his common sense and rightly formed Catholic conscience to see, hear, and read, that the bishops, for the most part, have aligned themselves with the anti-Christ, anti-life globalist elites.  This is a charge that I do not make lightly, yet the obvious facts speak for themselves.  For instance, the ongoing capitulation to idolatry as well as supporting those who would reduce the world's population through abortion, contraception, deadly untested vaccinations, false pandemics, isolation and the like... 

Is this true?  They may not come right out and say it; no, because that would cause absolute rebellion among the faithful, but, it is by their silence that they embolden those who foster such demonic agendas.

So, when a group of faithful Catholics resist the compromisers, they have to defamed and silenced.  I seem to recall the Commandment: thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor, or am I missing something here?  Can that be "interpreted" in some other way that I'm not aware of??

Pray for strength and honor to stand up and resist -- to the face -- false shepherds!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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