Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Shootings In Atlanta, Georgia, And Boulder, Colorado = More Intensive Efforts At Depriving LAW ABIDING CITIZENS OF OUR RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS!

 The extreme left is secretly, absolutely gleeful about the loss of life in Atlanta and Boulder!

Some may consider my statement a little "over the top," however, if you look at the useful idiots pushing for endless efforts to take our weapons away, you should be able to tell that these are the usual "suspects" crafting additional, unlawful, legislation.  Their aim has nothing whatever to do with ending "gun violence," as they say, but to strip those rights enshrined in the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution, not only our right to keep and bear arms, but also our First Amendment rights!  

We must, however, keep things in perspective: the radicals that see nothing wrong in tearing apart a pre-born baby girl in her mother's womb, shed crocodile tears when it comes to folks losing their lives in a supermarket or a spa.  

Let this sink in: without the Second Amendment, all our other rights are, for all practical purposes, null and void, especially the First Amendment.

Null and void, because we will not be able to exercise that key right to freedom of speech, assembly, and worship...

Any loss of life is a sad as well as a traumatic thing; look no further than those family members deprived of their father, son, aunt, mother, brother, sister, etc...  Their lives are now so much emptier and no amount of consolation, or even prayers, can suffice to ease the suffering of loss...

These killings play right into the hands of those same mind-numbed, career politicians forever seeking ways to destroy the Republic, and enslave the very same sheeple who continue to vote them into office in the first place, term after term after term...

It seems that the mainstream media are the lackeys of the leftists in the House and the Senate, doing their dirty work for them: defaming the law-abiding -- in favor of the outlaw.

And that's the point: all the anti-weapon legislation is not aimed at the outlaw; the thug; the gang members dealing in deadly drugs; no, it is directed at us!

By the way, it doesn't matter how many anti-Second Amendment bills get signed into law, it will not stop the black market in guns and ammo...  The bad guys can get any -- repeat: any -- weapon they want so long as they have the money to burn, whether the gun is from this country or abroad.  Anyone who does not believe this, is simply naïve!

 The hard left is not stupid; they know, that what I just wrote is true!  

And now my theories on these shootings...

First, I find it very interesting that just as numerous anti-2nd A. bills are circulating in the House and Senate, two horrible shootings take place.

Second, the fact is, most, if not all, the shooters over the years, have been on some type of psychotropic drug!

Third, could these lunatics be "Manchurian Candidates," or ongoing "MK-Ultra" experiments designed to fulfill a sick and disordered agenda of the Marxists oligarchs to disarm the American population?

There is way too much coincidence in the timing of these tragedies; way too much...

Read and re-read the Declaration of Independence...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla



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