Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Those Orthodox, Traditional, Latin Mass-Loving Catholics Are A Pain!

 As proof of this, not a day goes by, that the likes of "Bishop" Barron; "Cardinal" Cupich; "Cardinal" Tobin (of Newark, N.J. -- not the Bishop of Rhode Island who coincidently has the same last name), not to mention "Bishop" McElroy of San Diego, Ca., and the social media guru, "Father" James Martin, constantly complain about how "rigid" and "tied to the nostalgia" of the pre-Vatican II Church, we practicing Catholics are.

It is important to point out that those mentioned above, are themselves homosexual, or at least heavily in favor of that perverse, and deadly -- to the soul -- "lifestyle"... So, these are the hierarchs that we must obey?  Really?  Would we obey Judas if he were still around today, and told us that we must give false testimony against our Lord?  

Who are the traitors here?  Faithful, tradition-loving Catholics, or false shepherds unable to recognize or speak the truth from the housetops?  

But why the antagonism -- and outright defamation -- by these "princes" and "bishops" of the church toward orthodox Catholics?  Because we are making their blood-boil, and they can't take it!  

We are a thorn in their side, and here's why: those who fall into the category of "orthodox, traditional, Latin Mass-loving Catholics" are a roadblock; a hinderance; an ape, to those who pretend to be Catholic, and are dying to implement a form of Catholicism that is made in their own image, rather than living the faith established by the shedding of the Blood of our Divine Founder.   

Remember, in the minds of the modernists it is we Catholics who are the schismatics; it is we Catholics who are disloyal to Bergoglio!

It is we Catholics who want to worship our Lord in the most sublime way we can: through the holy sacrifice in the Traditional Latin Mass of the ages, but to the post-conciliar crowd, that is not a good thing.

We faithful Catholics refuse to submit to the novelty of the demonic-inspired Second Vatican Council.  Just recently, Bergoglio made the incredible statement that if Catholics do not accept the Second Vatican Council as the Magisterium of the Church, then they (we) are not Catholic!

Notice too, that the modernists only refer to Vat. II, and never quote the DOGMATIC First Vatican Council, nor the DOGMATIC Council of Trent, as opposed to the contrived, "pastoral" Vat. II mess.  Keep in mind, that it was "Archbishop" Bugnini that concocted the novus ordo "mass" at the council, that was so compromised of tradition and true Catholic worship, that a Lutheran minister remarked that he would have no problem using that liturgical innovation in their services! 

I will say this again: we are experiencing a parallel church, not Catholic in any way, but only an empty shell; a façade, throwing a few crumbs of Catholicism our way to keep the horrific, on-going deception in place until it wears us down, and we "cry uncle."  Sorry, traitors, it ain't gonna work!  In the end, your father, the devil, will have his miserable head crushed by our Blessed Lady -- and he knows it!  Maybe you know it too, perhaps?

My traditional Catholics: pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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