Friday, March 26, 2021

The U.S. Military -- One Big Petri Dish!

 In case you haven't noticed, the U.S. military is now one, big petri dish of radical, social and biological experiments!

I really don't know where to begin.  There is just so much nonsense going on, policy-wise, with the new administration of "president" Biden, and his ultra-leftist cronies, that it is disheartening beyond belief for all veterans who have served their country with honor and integrity, to comprehend what is actually happening...

For example, with the new "administration," "transgender" (people, I guess) will now have medical expenses covered for sex-change surgery, depending on whether a male happens to feel like a "female"  or a female happens to feel like a "male."  

How would any masculine male soldier, sailor, airman, Marine, Coast Guardsman, or Space Force member, feel about having such a creature next to him in a machine-gun bunker, or out on a search-and- destroy patrol in enemy occupied territory?

These absurd and dangerous policies are being enforced by mostly arm-chair generals and admirals, appointed long before Mr. Trump ever took office, I'm sure.  These gutless flag officers may command pencils and paper around their respective desks, but I bet they couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag on the battlefield...

I thought that at least the Marine Corps Commandant would hold the line and tell the new Sec. of Defense, Lloyd Austin, to "go fly a kite."  But I was dead wrong... He must now be held responsible, along with the others, for the overall weakening of our military forces.  Let's face it; the job of the armed forces is to fight and defeat a perceived enemy; there is no other purpose for having a standing Army, or Navy for that matter.

But the craziness doesn't stop there... It seems that a good majority of active military members were, or are, against taking the filthy, untested Covid-19 "vaccine."  That just didn't sit right with the oligarchs in the military.  So now, commanders are coercing and threatening their subordinates that if they don't get jabbed, they will suffer -- unlawful -- restrictions, as well as get not-so-good performance reviews.  

The mandate for getting the "vaccine" isn't until July, but that hasn't stopped forced vaccinations occurring as I write this missive...

(I know how important a good performance review is, as it is needed for future promotion opportunities.  If the review is negative in any way, forget about an increase in rate or rank...)

In addition, ever since the late 1990's, and into the 2000's, Pagans and Wiccans are recognized as "religions" in the military.  In fact, there is a "worship space" for Wiccans at the U.S. Air Force Academy!  Plus, the Veterans Administration (VA) has now approved the Wiccan pentacle emblem for gravestones...  

But there is still more nonsense... It seems the military is now classifying Catholics, as well as other Bible believing Christians as potential terrorists, white supremacists, or some other un-American extremist groups.

I have to tell my readers, that all this lunacy plays right into the hands of our enemies.  While our "leaders'" social experiments, is belittling our fighting men in unheard of ways, killing morale and decorum, the Red Chinese Communists; the North Korean Communists and maybe even Putin's Russia, are modernizing and ramping-up their military machines.  That leads to a question: will we be able to support or come to the aid of any our allies if the need arises?   Or, defend ourselves, for that matter?

In conclusion, I would have to ask: is there still a place in the military for a practicing Catholic?  At this point I would have to advise anyone thinking of joining the service, not to.  There are other ways -- many ways -- to serve one's country, mainly by being a good, God-fearing citizen, and loving thy neighbor...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 


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