Monday, March 1, 2021

For Real? Bergoglio (Francis) Writes That We Might Face Another Noah-Type Flood -- Due To "Global Warming"!

 So now we have junk-scientist Bergoglio (Francis) warning us that we may face another Noah-type flood if we don't take measures to address "global warming."

Wouldn't it be a good thing if the one who is supposed to be the Vicar of Christ -- wait a minute; he no longer considers himself the vicar!  (see here: Abp Viganò: Has Pope Francis now ‘disavowed’ being Vicar of Christ? | News | Lifesitenews) -- would concentrate on the mass exodus of members of the novus ordo "church," with pews emptying and revenues down.  Not to mention the continued assault of innocent youth by predator, homosexual "priests" and "bishops," and address such scandals, instead of addressing the mythology of "global warming"?  

Bergoglio said this: “God’s wrath is directed against injustice, against Satan,” the pope states in a book titled Of Vices and Virtues due for release Tuesday. “It is directed against evil, not that which derives from human weakness, but evil of Satanic inspiration: the corruption generated by Satan.”  (Excerpted from an article in by Thomas D. Williams, PH.D.  See the complete article here: Pope Francis Warns of Second ‘Great Flood’ from Global Warming (

Can it be the Holy Ghost that is inspiring Bergoglio (Francis) to emphasize "global warming" while ignoring those real issues plaguing the church?  

If not the Holy Ghost, then whom? 

I'll let my readers make that determination by using God-given common sense...

Remember, Bergoglio said that if Catholics don't accept Vatican II as the Magisterium of the Church, they are not Catholic!  (See my article: More Heterodox Insults Hurled At Christ, Emanating From The Vatican..., and this: How modernists use ‘weaponized orthodoxy’ to silence conservative Catholics | Opinion | LifeSite (

Faithful Catholics and the Church are truly being chastised; a necessary refining process to separate the imperfect ore from the pure gold -- of the real faith...

Pray for your enemies, and pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 


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