Saturday, February 27, 2021

More Heterodox Insults Hurled At Christ, Emanating From The Vatican...

 It's pretty difficult these days getting up in the morning and facing another onslaught of bad news, not only in the secular realm, but also in the ecclesiastical world.  Such constant negative news can directly affect our mood, which, in turn, can affect our interactions with family, friends, and business associates.

Unfortunately, a good deal of that news is generated by Catholics, especially those in politics.  But what about Catholics in the hierarchy of the Church; our shepherds and pastors?

I might be mistaken, but it seems to me that ever since Bergoglio (Francis) took the papacy hostage back in 2013, there has been an almost continuous flow of heterodoxy and idol worship emanating from the Vatican, hurling insults at Christ.  And there have been many... 

Bear with me as I point out just a few such incidents that have plagued the Catholic world, and confused, not only the faithful, but also those outside the Church that may have had thoughts of entering the Spotless Bride of Christ -- of the divine Founder...

A caveat is necessary here regarding the scandals and misrepresentations of authentic church teaching: the actions of evil men (sinners) does not make the church herself evil or corrupt; that, as I have written many times, is a spiritual impossibility.  How so?  Simply, because Christ, the Perfect Head, cannot have a rotten, gangrenous, corrupt Body.  (This is where Martin Luther screwed-up.  He equated the evil that men do with the supposed corruption of the Mystical Body of Christ -- the Church.)

I said that I would point out several incidents and actions that Bergoglio and his subordinates perpetrated on the Catholic -- and secular -- world...

A couple of years ago, there was the scandal of idolatry with the Pachamama "phenomenon," basically worshiping a piece of wood in the shape of a pregnant woman.  Some apologists for the pope and his cabal of corrupt hierarchs, claimed that no one actually bowed down to that piece of painted wood.  But videos show otherwise.  The following is an excerpt from an article on from December, 2020: "Pope Francis had, on October 27, 2019 – at the closing Mass of the Amazon Synod – placed on that very same altar a highly controversial bowl of plants that had been offered up to the false goddess Pachamama at the beginning of the Amazon Synod. Many saw in this bowl an occult sign, an offering to a demon, that was scandalously placed on God's altar on which the Pope offers the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass."

Let us continue...

Just recently, Bergoglio declared that the Second Vatican Council is the Magisterium of the Church!

As a further insult, he then admonished (warned?) faithful Catholics that if they (we) don't accept Vat. II as the Magisterium, they (we) are not Catholic!

And the last insult to Christ, comes this apostacy: there will be an "interreligious" gathering of "Catholics," and who knows who, at the ancient city of Ur in Iraq, just a stone's throw from the Tower of Babel.  I wonder, is this by accident?  Another Assisi 2.0, or worse, perhaps?  

So, what are faithful Catholics to do when confronted with this heterodox nonsense?  

First, Christ has commanded that we pray for our enemies.  Number two, cling to orthodoxy and the real Magisterium of the real Catholic Church, and, three, stay away from those who would kill, not only the body, but can kill the soul and cast it into hell...

Remember, the buck stops here -- at the pope's desk...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey -- now, more than ever!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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