Tuesday, February 9, 2021

As of 2/6/2021, The Death Toll From The COVID-19 Coronavirus Stands At: 436,420. Or Not?

 Today, I decided to go to the CDC's website to get up-to-date information on the number of deaths due to the covid-19 coronavirus.   They are listing that number as 436,420, as of the week ending in 2/6/2021.  

No matter how you look at it, and no matter what your political persuasion might be -- I think you would agree -- that's a lot of Americans listed as having died of the covid-19 coronavirus, if that is, in fact, how they died.  When that total reaches one-half-million -- 500,000! -- I am sure the media will play that up to the hilt for two reasons: 1) to keep us in fear, and to continue the wearing of the face-diaper, as well as maintaining "social distancing", and, 2) to blame the "pandemic" on President Trump for the death of so many of our citizens.   But there is a problem with those just-released numbers; I will point out why that is... 

We all know that we are smack in the middle of the flu and cold season, but the CDC has reported that only four people died from the influenza in the week ending: 2/6/2021, out of a population of over 330,000,000!  Really?  That is statistically impossible!   (They also report that 2,006 people died from pneumonia, influenza or covid-19.  Right next to that statistic is footnote no. 5.  Here is how that footnote reads:  Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19, pneumonia, or influenza.)

Now we'll take a look at the column that lists all deaths involving covid-19, it reads 1,734 people.  That footnote (no. 1) reads: Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19.  

There are several other columns that list various numbers all with footnotes which, in effect, are caveats to those numbers.  When you come right down to it, those footnotes and caveats tell me that the CDC is guessing or presuming how they get to those numbers!

If that wasn't misleading enough, the CDC recently admitted that the way the PCR tests are administered are faulty -- read: misleading! -- at best, giving many false-positives to indicate that a person is infected with the covid-19 coronavirus, when, in reality, they do not have that particular strain of the coronavirus.   Those false positives are precisely the result of the amplification (the higher spin rate) when the data are used to determine whether or not covid-19 is present.  Up the spin rate beyond a certain point; it will test positive.  The normal criteria (the lower spin rate) used will show a negative for covid-19.  

There are several problems with this scenario: first, a person can be told they tested "positive" and must be quarantined, or go through further testing.  As an example, one day, Elon Musk decided to get tested for the covid-19 coronavirus... He tested both positive and negative, revealing the unreliability of that particular testing protocol...

Keeping in mind, that when someone goes to the hospital for some type of respiratory distress, and they test "positive" for covid-19, the hospital gets certain monies from the government, whether state of federal.  Further, if and when that person goes on a ventilator, the hospital picks up more than several thousands of dollars!

Sad to say, there is money and profit to be made off the sickness -- or ignorance -- of others...  But it seems that in today's society, money is the bottom line, rather than first doing no harm to the patient...

I mentioned earlier that one of the objects of the media -- and that includes the elitists and oligarchs -- is to keep us in fear and panic about a strain of the flu bug that over 99 percent of the people who get it, recover.   The other object of these miscreants, is to control every aspect of our lives, in effect we become enslaved out of fear as well as near- complete dependence on the government dole...

One of our Founding Fathers, Ben Franklin, once quipped: those who would give up their liberties and freedoms for security, deserve neither!


Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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