Monday, February 8, 2021

The Diabolical Revolution Against God Almighty...

 As I am not in the habit of writing excessively long articles here on my blog, the title of my latest one: The Diabolical Revolution Against God Almighty, might take a few extra lines to get to the gist of the on-going revolution and attack on our Creator.

If there is a starting point to the revolution and rejection of God, it would have to go way back to the beginning of creation when our first parents -- Adam and Eve -- gave in to the temptation of the serpent (the devil) to eat of the fruit from the forbidden "tree of knowledge."  

We can't put all the blame on poor Eve, because her husband, Adam, couldn't resist his beautiful wife after hearing what she said about the promise of the serpent to eat that organically grown apple and be like gods...

So, after Eve took a bite from the apple, Adam gave in and took a bigger bite, only to be shamed at the results: they then realized that they were naked, and hid from God in the nearby bushes.  From that point on, Original Sin entered the world, exacerbating and accelerating the revolt against God, all the way up to our present day...

Some of my readers may think that I pick on the new administration of Biden/Harris -- or should I say the Harris/Biden administration?  There are those who are already inferring that she is the real shaker and mover, as Biden does not seem to be all there at times...  That is a very scary thought, as he is the one that gives the order to launch our nuclear missiles and aircraft if and when the time and circumstances present themselves.  Of course, a nuclear exchange with our perceived enemies would only be done as a last resort in order to defend our country.  But then, if that were to happen, humanity as we know it would be doomed to near extinction, if not complete extinction...  You know, the "nuclear winter" and all that...

The point being, is that Biden is a self-professed Catholic, and I have no doubt that he was baptized as a child.  But the evidence is overwhelming that he has apostatized from the Catholic faith by his radical support for the killing of the pre-born through his words and actions all through his 47 years in the congress and the senate.  Not only is he in a state of mortal sin, objectively speaking, but he has also been -- automatically -- ex-communicated from the Body of Christ.  And yet, faithless shepherds continue to allow him to receive the Holy Eucharist at Mass, failing to fulfill their duty to admonish the sinner -- to amend his life and do penance.  In addition to the numerous sins of his anti-life and pro-homosexual agenda, he commits the sin of sacrilege -- with the bishops and priests sharing in the guilt...

The whole scenario of the "second Catholic president" reflects the continuation of the revolution against God, in the secular realm, but what we see happening is another, more devastating revolution in the ecclesiastical realm, right in the heart of what was/is supposed to be the holy of holies -- the Church of Christ.  We know that as the church goes, so goes society, and that is what we see, especially in court rulings over the past 50-60 years or so, regarding prayer in public schools, or something as basic as acknowledging God in the public sphere by displaying the Ten Commandments on public -- or even private? -- property.

The Biden/Harris phenomenon is not the cause of the revolution against God, but a symptom.  Biden is not the devil incarnate, but a close ally.

We are told in the Bible that the devil will try "to deceive, if possible, even the Elect" (St. Matthew 24:24, King James Version).   It would seem this is now happening to some degree, but we also know that Christ said that the gates of hell will not prevail against His church (St. Matthew 16:18, KJV). 

Much of the moral and spiritual devastation that we see in our country and in much of the Western nations is due, in part, to the weakened and compromised hierarchy of what passes for the Catholic Church.  In fact, in 1899, Pope Leo XIII warned the hierarchy of the U.S. about the heresy of Americanism: cautioning against things like divorce and secret societies and against presenting American-style separation of church and state as the ideal arrangement everywhere.

A mere eight years later, Pope St. Pius X issued his encyclical letter Pascendi Dominici Gregis, On the Doctrine of the Modernists. The Modernists in question were a group of mostly European Catholic intellectuals of the late 19th and early 20th centuries who, as they saw it, had the mission of bringing Christianity “up to date” and into conformity with the Zeitgeist, the spirit of the age.   This was -- and still is -- exactly the reverse of what should happen.  The world's inhabitants have to be brought up to date with the Church, that is, a genuine and real call to conversion and Baptism, thereby fulfilling Christ's command to His Apostles to preach and baptize all nations (St. Mark 16:15, and St. Matthew 28:19, KJV). 

That command seems to have fallen on deaf ears, especially on the ears of the shepherds whose responsibility it is to carry out the preaching and baptizing.  That spiritual sloth has led to the demise of millions of souls over the centuries, not to mention the scandals of the sin of Sodom, that still has its slaves in this modern age...

The diabolical revolution against God almighty continues, but there is hope!  There is always hope when we center our lives and concerns on the One Mediator between God and man: our Lord, Jesus Christ...

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla




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