Tuesday, February 23, 2021

The Chink In The Armor Of The Plandemic May Be Leading To An All-Out Rebellion Against The Lies And Disinformation Of The Covid Hoax...

 Could it be that the formerly indoctrinated, brainwashed American populace is beginning to wake-up out of their stupor?

Even with the draconian measures taken by authoritarian -- mostly Democrat -- governors and mayors regarding the covid plandemic still in place after nearly 10 months, some legislators, as well as the average Joe Sixpack walking down Main Street, U.S.A., are beginning to at least question the efficacy of such measures. 

It is not only Democrat "authorities," however, that have caused havoc among their citizenry; far too many Republicans have fallen under the spell of misinformation and outright lies perpetrated by the likes of the rogue "doctors" Fauci, Birx, the CDC, NIH, et al...   

There is now a move afoot to diminish or completely cancel polices that have led to the mass destruction of our economic base, including small businesses, which has led to drastic job loss among what is left of the middle class in America...

It is now coming to light that the seasonal flu, for instance, is almost non-existent, not only here in the U.S., but also in the U.K.!  

How can that be?    

As an example, the CDC reported that in the week ending 2/23/2021, three people died from the flu; the previous week, eight!   

There are approximately 330,000,000 (MILLION) people living in the U.S. but only three people died from influenza?  I find that statistically impossible.  The same can be said in the U.K. where medical "authorities" are reporting that deaths from the flu are practically non-existent this flu season, and may, in fact, be zero!

Isn't this a good thing?  

Of course... if it were true.

It's a lie, and that's the point.

What those "authorities" are doing are manipulating (stealing) the numbers of those with flu symptoms, and simply adding  them to the covid column, so to speak, in order to continue the hoax of the covid "pandemic". 

I'll go one step further... I contend that the CDC hasn't got a clue of what they are doing, as far as correctly reporting the facts of the flu or covid.  If you take a look at their own figures and footnotes, for instance, you can readily see they are manipulating numbers to keep everyone in a panic and fear mode.. 

As a prime example, in the covid column, for the week ending in 2/20/2021, they list 1,350 people dying from covid, with a high of nearly 23,000 dying in the week ending in 1/2/2021.  That sounds pretty scary, but if you look at footnote no.1, you will see the following: Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19! 


If I were a rocket scientist/engineer, and I was replacing an "O ring" for the space shuttle that supposedly caused the explosion of the shuttle in 1986, killing all onboard, and I said that I presume that the new "O ring" will work just fine for future space shuttles, do you think I would still have a job after I said that?  I think I would be fired on the spot, and rightly so!

That's exactly what is happening, and, for the most part, we -- the American populace -- are letting them get away with it.   But changes are in the wind... 

In recent days, there have been several articles written by those on the "right," as well as those on the "left" that indicate a recognition of data that indicate the complete failure of such unnecessary, radical measures to squelch the supposed Wuhan coronavirus, covid-19 virus. 

We should always question the establishment narrative, not only for our own sake's, but also for those entrusted to us as parents and grandparents; for our children and their children, if we want them to live in a free republic where we can worship God as He demands, and not as the state tells "allows" us... If we don't exercise our God-given, constitutional rights, we will lose those rights forever...

Pray for strength and honor -- and common sense...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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