Tuesday, February 2, 2021

The Second Vatican Council Has Now Been OFFICIALLY Canonized As THE MAGISTERIUM Of The Catholic Church!

Have you heard?

Pope Bergoglio has now officially declared that the Second Vatican Council (from here on, I will use Vat. II for brevity's sake) is now THE MAGISTERIUM, and any faithful Catholic that rejects that declaration is not Catholic.  What I just wrote must be repeated: any faithful Catholic that rejects the proclamation that Vat. II is the Magisterium, is "not Catholic"!

To any of my readers that are faithful Catholics: how does that make you feel?  Isolated, perhaps?  In schism, perhaps?  Not Catholic, perhaps?  

Of all the years of adhering to the faith handed down by Christ, through His church; of faithfully attending Mass through thick and thin -- in my case, even during my tour of duty in Vietnam; of avoiding the deadliest of sins, mortal sin which separates us from the supernatural grace of God almighty -- of raising our children in the Catholic faith; of attempting to carry out the two great Commandments: to love God and neighbor and in some cases, being ostracized or even persecuted for that faith, we are now labeled as "not Catholic," by the man sitting in the Chair of St. Peter.  This is nothing short of insulting, at the very least, and downright criminal at worst.

Pope Bergoglio (Francis) is the embodiment of that revolution that turned the Catholic Church upside-down and tore apart traditional religious orders, including nuns and priests and practically turned the Traditional Latin Mass into a circus of novelty and a distortion of what the church always and everywhere has believed and taught for 2,000 years.  Man became the focal point of the "new evangelization," not Christ.  In recent surveys, nearly 70 percent of novus ordo Catholics no longer believe in the Real Presence of our Lord in the Eucharist!  This has been, and continues to be, a spiritual disaster, not only for adults in the church, but also for their children and grandchildren suffering from poor catechesis, further indoctrinating them with so-called social issues, rather than learning the orthodoxy and the tradition of the Apostles and the Church Fathers...

Why would Bergoglio press the point of Vat. II being the Magisterium? 

To some, this may seem like a very naïve question...

You and I know what is going on here... it is the "canonization" of Vat. II.   And, by extension, the unbelievable "canonizations" of the conciliar and post-conciliar popes who carried out -- and continue to carry out -- "the spirit of Vat. II" in novus ordo parishes.  Thank heaven that there is an explosion of Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) communities all across the country, as well as in many foreign nations.  This great blessing may be short-lived, however, as another proclamation may be forthcoming from Bergoglio regarding the future of the TLM.  I report this so my readers may prepare themselves for another possible spiritual upheaval coming down the road... 

UPDATE! (This from returntotradition.org.)  The Traditional Latin Mass is in danger of being suppressed forever, at least as long as Bergoglio lives and breaths...

 (361) UPDATE: The Vatican Is One Step Closer to Ending The Latin Mass - YouTube

It is spiritual hypocrisy to lump faithful Catholics in with heretics and schismatics, while tolerating, and even promoting, the heterodoxy of such "priests" as James Martin, or "bishop" -- everyone is saved -- Barron, not to mention Martin's open promotion of the Sin of Sodom!

As St. Paul resisted St. Peter to the face regarding the circumcision controversy, as described in Acts and Galatians, we have a right, under canon law to question the actions, or omissions of a shepherd -- whether priest, bishop, cardinal or pope.  But according to Bergoglio, those who question what is going on and want some measure of clarity, we are the bad guys.  And now, if we even question Vat. II, we are not Catholic.  

As I wrote earlier, the church has been turned upside-down, and it will get much worse before there is a Divine intervention into the affairs of men -- and of the church.  We get what we deserve.  Another way to say it: we are being chastised for our spiritual sloth and our lukewarm attitude and actions, or inactions, toward Christ, our Savior...

Pray for the conversion of the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, and pray for strength and honor...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla



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