Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Is The Traditional Latin Mass On The Way Out??

Last year a survey was sent out to the (Catholic) bishops of the world by the Vatican (Bergoglio) to gather information about the numbers of faithful who attend the TLM, and the effect on their spiritual lives -- specifically, their adhering to the codified teachings of Holy Mother Church, which most traditionalists do.  

Some of the reports that have come from that bastion of modernism, France, indicates that the faithful who attend the TLM are not with the program -- of the novus ordo rebellion, and, by extension, the "teachings" of Vatican II.  This news is very upsetting to the modernists and see the TLM as a threat to their power and influence -- and finances -- in the land of OZ, that is...

So please watch this video and pray for Divine Intervention to keep the TLM around for yourselves, your children and your grandchildren...  Remember, Satan would like nothing better than to see the TLM disappear from the face of the earth!

Lex orandilex credendi, literally, “the law of praying is the law of believing”.

 Please watch the video I have attached, and pray that the powers that be will not destroy, or abrogate, the Traditional Latin Mass.  

(361) UPDATE: The Vatican Is One Step Closer to Ending The Latin Mass - YouTube

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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