Thursday, February 18, 2021

Rush Limbaugh, R.I.P.

 Yesterday, February 17, 2021, conservative, talk-radio icon, Rush Limbaugh, passed away after a courageous, but losing battle, with lung cancer...

Rush was not a Catholic, yet I personally heard him defend the teachings of the Catholic Church on several occasions, on the topics of life, the moral order and the Natural Law.  Sadly, this is more than I can say for the majority of the Catholic bishops in our country, who seem to have allied themselves with the anti-life Democrats.

His defense of those basic and important teachings drew the ire and condemnation from the radical left from the time he started in A.M. radio nearly 32 years ago... 

But he never shied away from confrontation from those leftists, and always invited them to call in to his show, telling his loyal call-screener, "Mr. Snerdley," to put the liberal callers at the head of the line... 

I have to admit, his support for certain countries and government narratives rubbed me the wrong way, yet I listened to his show on and off since the early 1990's, albeit, with a "jaundiced ear," so to speak...

I could take this opportunity to list his many faults, suffice to say, he was a sinner -- as we all are.  But I'm not in the business of making the final judgment of his soul; that was done at his Particular Judgment -- where perfect mercy and perfect justice meet -- by the Christ that he proclaimed to follow (as he related in an interview in the weeks before his passing).

Last night we attended an Ash Wednesday, traditional high Mass in Kansas City, Missouri.  During that Mass, I prayed that mercy be granted to Mr. Limbaugh.  

All I ask of my readers is to do the same.  I thank you...

Rush Limbaugh, R.I.P...

Pray also for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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