Thursday, February 25, 2021

Have You Noticed That The Most Radical Abortion Supporters Are "Catholic"?

 Why is that??

I could give a million answers to that question; some are so obvious, while others are a little more complicated.

I use the word complicated, not as an excuse to support the killing of the pre-born, but to point out the  systemic (not racism, necessarily) of the evil that fills men's hearts when they reject their Lord and Savior in favor of the world, the flesh and the devil; power, position, and influence in this life.

You now have one of the reasons.,,

The second reason falls on the shoulders of those who wear the Roman collar, especially the bishops -- our shepherds -- who have failed miserably to preach from the housetops, the reality of sin, death, judgment, Heaven and hell.  And now, with Francis sitting in the Chair of St. Peter, the apostates feel very much emboldened to further embrace this ongoing, massive slaughter of the most defenseless of our species, the pre-born.  Not only that, it seems that the sin of Sodom has gotten a booster-shot with dissidents riding roughshod over the Natural Law and God-given common sense, spewing their filthy, anti-Catholic drivel from the bully pulpit of the multi-faceted media.

I will give two prime examples of the irony, if you will, of those who purport to be practicing, devout Catholics, and yet are the most radical supporters of the killing of the pre-born, not only in America, but also compared to those in other Western, "civilized" countries.

The first, and most obvious -- and most recognized around the world -- is that of "president" Biden.  This incoherent, babbling malcontent, is aggressively reversing any pro-life initiatives that President Trump was able to put through, via executive orders, or by promoting the pro-life, pro-family cause by his in-person, public speeches supporting that aspect of the Natural Law: the fundamental right of the pre-born to breathe air...

The second example is the current nominee to head the Health and Human Services (HHS), Xavier Becerra, the present Attorney General of the State of California... 

This character couldn't find it in him to answer a simple question from Sen. Steve Daines on whether he supported any restriction whatsoever on abortions, including those intended to end the life of babies with a prenatal disability diagnosis of Down syndrome or partial-birth abortions.   

Of course, he beat around the bush and never answered the question -- after being asked several times, but he did make reference to the following in an attempt to distract the senator with references to his Catholic faith, including that his mother “blessed” him before he left for his confirmation hearing and that she “prays the rosary every day” and “said a prayer and included me in that prayer.”

Did you get that, real; practicing, faithful Catholics?  

Becerra is, perhaps, the most radical of all the pro-death politicians in the history of our nation, bar none!  His record supporting the likes of "planned parenthood," as well as the other organizations that kill the pre-born for blood money, is public record. 

His mother prays the Rosary for him, that's a good thing, that is, if it's for his conversion and to amend his life and do penance, but if it's for his confirmation to head the HHS as he is, without renouncing the evil of his support for baby killing, then she is also one of the reasons this slaughter continues unabated and is increasing...  

There are other well-known "Catholic" pols that I could list here, but suffice to say, these two examples are sufficient to make the point that when one apostatizes from the faith, all bets are off.   God-given common sense leaves, and the door is flung wide open for the evil one to enter and make his abode in his new, and willing host...

Do we think that our Savior will bless our nation while we destroy His gift of life to us?   I don't think so.  What we have to do, is to beg for mercy, knowing that any mercy is always tempered with justiceAnd justice should scare the heck out of all of us!!

Pray for forgiveness, and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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