Monday, February 22, 2021

The Preborn Babies Used For Vaccine Development Were ALIVE At Tissue Extraction!

 When Cortez and his troops arrived from their homeland of Spain, they encountered the ancient Aztecs sacrificing living human beings to their blood-thirsty gods, filling those Catholic soldiers with absolute horror. 

(The obviously skewed, anti-Catholic history books have attacked Cortez accusing him, and his detachment of troops, of acts of violence and abuse of the native Central American Indians, wiping out their "civilization," but not the barbarism of the Aztecs.) 

What is it that their gods demanded?  The beating heart of the poor, sacrificial soul!

The only way to get a beating heart out of the body, was not by any modern medical technology, using anesthetics that could be used to kill the obvious pain that such an immoral operation would entail, but by cutting the victim's chest cavity open with a filthy knife and ripping out the still-beating heart

If we fast forward to our modern era, we encounter the development of vaccines, supposedly for the treatment of various diseases that have plagued mankind for millennia.  The idea, of course, is to improve the survivability of a patient suffering from some sort of debilitating, life-threatening disease.  In some cases, however, the treatment was worse than the disease itself, with the patient dying after receiving the vaccine.

This is exactly what is happening today with the hastily developed coronavirus (covid-19) vaccine.  I say hastily -- at "warp speed"! -- because there was no animal testing which is the standard for any new vaccine before it gets to the public...

The mainstream media is now in an active cover-up of the adverse reactions that have occurred after taking the covid vaccine.  The numbers of reactions -- and deaths -- have increased dramatically over the last few weeks.  In fact, the actual reported numbers of those suffering from deadly reactions to the mostly untested vaccine, are grossly under-reported, for obvious reasons...

We have to face the fact that there are big numbers involved when it comes to the money that is being charged for the development and administration of the vaccines, and getting it to the public at large.

What is not generally known, is that the fetal cell lines that were used in the development of most of the vaccines, were obtained from pre-born babies, not adult stem-cell lines.  

But now, it has come to light that those cell lines came from, not aborted, dead babies, but from living, breathing little babies -- who were left to die and disposed of as human "waste"! Please let that sink in!!

I would urge my readers to watch the attached interview that was presented on January 12, 2021, on  I do expect those who watch this video will feel sick to their stomachs -- and souls...

The unborn babies used for vaccine development were alive at tissue extraction | Blogs | Lifesitenews.

God help and have mercy on us!

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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