Tuesday, February 16, 2021

The New "Ducks"...

We're all familiar with...: If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's most likely a duck!

If I enumerated some of the grievous sins that plague mankind, I believe that anyone with a normal ability to reason could come to the conclusion that evil is a driving force behind those sins.  Further, we could trace that evil to the obvious source: the father of lies, Satan.

Even an atheist will admit that there is such a thing as evil in the world; one doesn't have to believe in God, but it helps.  In fact, there is an organization that touts the pro-life view and the right of the pre-born to breathe air: Atheists For Life!  (I can only wonder why such atheists do not follow the logical avenue that leads to the conclusion that there is a creator of that pre-born baby with the cooperation of the love between husband and wife?)

We can't deny that the Catholic Church is suffering from the evil that men do.  The spotless Bride of Christ is plagued by sinful men doing the work of the demon, rather than the work of their Master.  These treasonous acts have driven many out of the true church as well as confused those who remain within her bosom.  Now more than ever, the liberals and "progressives" that permeate the hierarchy have become emboldened by the current occupant of the Chair of St. Peter, Bergoglio (Francis), and his outrageous and poisonous writings and mouthings almost on a daily basis.   Most recently, he dared to condemn faithful Catholics who do not accept the demonic Second Vatican Council as the Magisterium of the church!  

Are we living in a post-apocalyptic, ecclesiastical, Mad-Max world, or what?

Faithful Catholics are witnessing the rotten fruits generated from the gangrenous seeds planted several generations ago when those opposed to the laws of God and Nature were recruited by the likes of Bella Dodd, namely, Communists, to enter Catholic seminaries, seek ordination to the priesthood, and bring down the church from within...

Some of those Communists who were "ordained" to the priesthood, eventually rose to the rank of bishop and cardinal, spreading the errors of Russia and heterodoxy within the Church.  But it didn't stop there... The revelation of the attacks on vulnerable youth by homosexual infiltrators has caused much scandal and the destruction of innocent lives.  The sodomite predators have continuously been shuffled around the various parishes by those sympathetic bishops and cardinals, from the 1940's to the present day.  Do I have to name, names?  If I do, then that is part of the ongoing problem in the church.  It is not only the hierarchy, but also the laity that must bear some responsibility for the near-destruction of the Mystical Body of Christ, through blind obedience, and slothful attitudes toward our precious faith.  

At the present time, there seems to be little justice with only a very few "priests," "bishops" and "cardinals" facing the wrath of God, at least in this life... Now, with Bergoglio at the helm of the ecclesiastical ship-of-state, the modernists, as well as the Communists, feel much emboldened to continue their reign of terror on faithful Catholics.   Witness the despicable 2018 agreement between the Vatican and the Red Chinese Communists, selling out the legitimate "underground" Catholic Church and forcing them to endure even more and sustained persecution.  While, at the same time, capitulating to the Communist demands that they should approve and appoint "bishops" to the "patriotic" "catholic church"!!  

I'll leave it to my readers to figure out where the buck stops for this travesty...

Remember, if you don't accept Vatican II as the Magisterium of the Church, you are not Catholic!

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's most likely a duck!

As Lent approaches, let us do extra penance and prayers, not only for our own sanctification, but also for our enemies...

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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