Friday, February 5, 2021

You MUST Wear A Face-Diaper!

 I'm afraid that if you want to go to the post office to mail a letter or a package, you must now wear a face-diaper as the illicit "president," Biden, has dictated -- without force of law, that is...

But wait!  He has the force of law, and he's only looking out for our health and the health of his fellow Americans, right?

I'll answer that question a little later in this missive, but for now, let's take a look at what real science tells us about wearing a face-diaper... First, it was the world's gift to humanity, "Dr." Fauci, who said back in March of 2020, that wearing a face-diaper is basically useless; it's a "feel-good" tool to assuage your fear of catching the flu bug (that's what the Wuhan coronavirus, covid-19, really is and nothing more).  But of course, he changed his tune just like a leaf changes direction when the breeze changes its direction.

Second, the little paper or cloth face-diaper cannot block the microscopic coronavirus known as covid-19.  At best, even the more effective version of the face-diaper, N-95, can only filter down to .3 microns, while the Wuhan coronavirus (covid-19) is less than .1 micron in size.  As proof of how ineffective face-diapers are, we have now been told to wear not one, but two or three face-diapers to "protect" us from catching a flu bug that over 99 percent of the folks who catch it, recover.  

(It should be noted that in some jurisdictions, wearing a facial disguise is actually illegal.  So, if you are forced to comply with an illicit order to wear a face-diaper, you may also be breaking the real law!)

You see, the narrative has failed, so the elitists must find some other way to continue the fear-mongering so they can maintain control of every aspect of our lives, indefinitely.  And now with Biden holding the White House hostage for four years, things will only go down-hill from here, and quickly at that.

As an aside, at the recent prayer breakfast, Biden said this: "... that the American dream of “justice for all” cannot be “deferred any longer” during his speech at the annual National Prayer Breakfast. He did not, however, include preborn American children targeted for abortion in his categories of those who need justice."

We have the commander-in-chief, not only of the military (heaven help us!), but also the chief and most powerful force in the world aligned against his own pre-born American children willing and able to destroy them all the way up to birth, and after -- infanticide!

So, can Biden force us to wear a face-diaper?  It seems he can, at least while on federal properties, including the Post Office.  But, on the other hand, a mal-content (criminal) could very well use that face-diaper to conceal his identity while committing a heist of a bank -- or Post Office!!

If you refuse to wear a face-diaper, you can quote the following (federal) laws that are on the books...1) The 1990 Americans With Disabilities Act, or, 2) 18 USC (U.S. Code) section 242.  Both of these laws prohibit discrimination or the deprivation of rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution.  This is why it is important to be informed; to know your rights, and to exercise those rights, if not, then those elitists will have succeeded in their globalist agenda to remake the world in their own image, and to hell with God!   

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 

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