Tuesday, March 16, 2021

The Unreported Ongoing Rioting And Destruction In Portland, Oregon...

 Have you heard about the ongoing rioting and destruction in Portland, Oregon?

Or how about in the major metropolis of Los Angeles; or Seattle, Washington?  

I would be willing to shell out fifty-bucks to anyone who has seen or heard this mayhem reported on the evening, mainstream, 6-o'clock "news."   

As far as Portland is concerned, it remains a city under siege!  

Is the word, siege, too strong a word to use to describe what is going on -- almost nonstop -- in Portland and other cities, mostly on the coasts of our great country? 

No, not at all...

Here are three similar meanings of the word siege: a military operation in which enemy forces surround a town or building, cutting off essential supplies, with the aim of compelling the surrender of those inside.  That's one; here's another: an operation in which a police or other force surround a building and cut off supplies, with the aim of forcing an armed person to surrender.  And lastly, one that is a little less traumatic: a prolonged period of misfortune.

But it's not the military nor the police that have certain sections of Portland under siege, no, it's Antifa and the self-described Communist organization known as BLM (Black Lives Matter)...  I have to say that Black Lives Matter is not only a Marxist/insurrectionist group of extremists, but use a name that is a misnomer if I ever heard one!   Can you imagine screaming a slogan of "black lives matter," while at the same time disrupting, and, in many cases, destroying the lives and businesses of their (our) black American brothers and sisters?  

A common-sense question begs to be asked: if these lunatics are "protesting" so-called police brutality targeting blacks, or racial injustice aimed at blacks, then why are they committing violence and racial injustice on their own race?

The answer: the likes of Antifa and their cronies, in treason, the BLM "movement," in reality, have nothing to do with righting a perceived wrong; rather, they are the useful idiots of the same Communist movements that have wreaked havoc all over the globe for the past 100+ years... 

The goal of these Communist insurrectionists is to dethrone the moral order of society, built, necessarily on God; to destroy the family unit as the main building block of society, and to end the ownership of private property, and to confiscate all firearms... Of course, there is a false egalitarianism that goes along with their lies and propaganda.  In reality, the few will dominate the rest of us, so, in reality, there is no "egalitarianism" at all, just outright slavery...

Over this past weekend, Portland experienced more rioting and burning, but none -- I repeat none -- of the mainstream, leftist media conglomerates (ABC, CBS, or NBC) saw fit to report this violence.  It is  more than that; it is an outright coverup of what is really happening... But why?  One answer can be that since Biden is now holding the White House hostage, it would be "embarrassing" to the administration to see what the real aim of these Communists are, and second, President Trump had nothing to do with creating the situation that continues to exist in Portland and other cities.  The ball is now in Biden's court, yet he and his "justice department" are as silent as the media are!  But not the people that are trying to live their daily lives; going to work; raising their families, etc... The cry of these folks, under siege, to Antifa and BLM, is "to get out and leave us be!" 

Where are the elected officials and law enforcement in all of this???   Why aren't these rioters stopped?  Earlier this month, 90 were arrested, but 31 cases were dismissed!  Why?  

At least there was some coverage from PBS...From an article by Geoffrey Dickens posted on Lifesitenews.com...

On January 25 PBS’s NewsHour online reported: 

Portland, Oregon, Mayor Ted Wheeler said Monday the ongoing criminal destruction and violence occurring in his city, which has been the epicenter of protests against racial injustice for eight months, is “unacceptable.” At a news conference Monday, Wheeler also said he had filed a police report about an “incident” that happened to him, but he did not elaborate. Later, his office said in a statement that the mayor filed a police report over something that happened Sunday evening. “The mayor is cooperating with the police investigation and encourages others involved to do the same,” the statement said. Wheeler, who was reelected in November, has been targeted before by left-wing demonstrators, including some who smashed windows and set fires inside his condo building. Earlier this month, Wheeler was accosted by a group while he was dining at a restaurant outside in Northwest Portland. A member of the group started swatting at Wheeler as others yelled obscenities at him.

On Wednesday following the inauguration of President Joe Biden, more than 150 people gathered outside the U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement building in Portland’s South Waterfront. Portland police said protestors were throwing rocks and eggs and vandalizing the building. Six people were arrested and officers declared an unlawful assembly.

ABC, CBS, NBC evening news coverage: 0 seconds...

The truth is a rare commodity these days; no?  

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  The source of all Truth!  

Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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