Saturday, March 27, 2021

Novus Ordo, Parallel "Catholic" Church Calls Police On Pregnant Catholic Mom, Holding Her One Year Old Baby, For Not Wearing A Face-Diaper!

 Does the title of my article confuse you, or make your blood boil -- or both?  

It should, because it's true!

This latest example of a Catholic priest, or his subordinates, calling the police on the faithful -- who choose not to wear a face-diaper -- even though the face-diaper mandate was done away with -- is nothing short of mind-boggling!  

Yet this display of anti-Catholic authoritarianism was on full display in a Dallas (Texas) diocese recently, when a pregnant mom, her husband, and the one-year-old, she was holding in her arms, were subject to Gestapo-like tactics; that is, threats of being arrested and handcuffed, for not wearing a filthy and ineffective face-diaper at Mass!

It is time for that family, who was humiliated, and almost arrested and incarcerated, to leave that den of iniquity, and find a traditional Latin Mass community where there is still some semblance of God-given common sense, and dignity -- for our bodies -- the temple of the Holy Ghost...

If anyone thinks that these lunatic, anti-Catholic events, are the rare exception rather than the rule, you are being very naïve.    

Witness the lockdown of most of our churches across the country, just a few short months ago, and where, in fact, some are still locked down!

The unfathomable actions of the shepherds, and many of the priests in their dioceses, during the so-called "pandemic" of the Wuhan coronavirus, known as Covid-19, was, and is, a diabolical scandal that cries to Heaven for vengeance! 

The Catholic clergy, for the most part, capitulated to the secular Hitlers with little or no pushback.  In essence, they deserted their flock at the first sign of the approach of the ravenous wolves...

Instead of enforcing the "separation of church and state," that is so often used by the Godless heathens against the Catholic Church, they gladly obeyed the illicit edicts of demonic governors, mayors and county tyrants, without a whimper!

Far too many gravely ill Catholics were left to die without the last sacraments of the Church, especially Confession or Extreme Unction.  That in itself, is an unforgivable sin against the Catholic faithful, not to mention the suffering and grief of the family, of those left to die alone and abandoned.  

What we are witnessing is nothing short of a betrayal of Christ and His command to preach and baptize all nations.  He didn't say: "unless there is a virus floating around, then you don't have to minister to your flocks." 

It is a fact, that there was a massive infiltration of Communists and homosexuals, back in the 1920s and '30s, recruited by the likes of Bella Dodd, to enter the seminaries, become "priests" and bring the Church down from within!   

We are now seeing the poison fruits of that infiltration, now in its third or fourth generation...

The culmination of that successful infiltration was the establishment of the novus orbis ordo -- new world order -- "Catholic Church" that may resemble in some superficial way, the authentic Catholic Church, but is only a desolate and empty shell, devoid of Christ...   

Where is the manhood -- the spiritual fatherhood -- of the clergy these days?  It is becoming more and more apparent that it got sucked out the window, along with the "breathe of fresh air" that was supposed to be let into the church?  At least according to the designers of the satanic, Second Vatican Council...

My advice: pray for strength and honor -- and don't wear a face-diaper!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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