Monday, March 15, 2021

Is The COVID "Vaccine" And Euthanasia Related?? -- A REAL STUPID QUESTION!

 The death toll continues to rise with each passing day after folks are injected with the poisonous Covid "vaccine."  

This is not a conspiracy theory, but a fact of life...

As an example, two very famous athletes -- one, a hall of fame baseball player, Hank Arron, and another, a champion boxer, Marvel Hagler, died shortly after taking the eugenics-based, Gates and Fauci promoted, untested, "vaccine," contaminated with the cell lines from aborted babies.  

Aaron was in his 80's -- so why did he have to get his arm stuck with the Covid filth if he wasn't sick in the first place?  As for Hagler, he was only 66 years old, again, why did he have to be injected with the deadly "vaccine"?   

Those who, out of ignorance, or malice, claim that the "vaccine" had nothing to do with their deaths, but how do these characters explain the many deaths or severe adverse reactions of the -- literally -- thousands -- of otherwise, normal, "healthy" people?  To add insult to injury, these data have been vastly underreported -- vastly underreported!  The real pandemic is the lack of truth!

Even the CDC is admitting that the death toll is increasing; they can't hide any longer... But it gets worse...

Whistleblowers have leaked reports that pregnant women have experienced horrible complications after taking the "vaccine."  

The elderly in nursing homes are dying like flies after being injected with the Covid "vaccine."  

Many thousands of healthcare workers are uniting to tell the various governments around the world, that patients' rights have to be respected if they refuse to submit to the tyranny of forced vaccinations...

But if the U.N., the CDC, the NIH, and other rogue agencies attempt to force vaccinations on the American populace, or if the VA (Veterans Administration) tells all vets they have to be vaccinated with the Covid filth, there will be absolute rebellion!  Already, many active-duty vets are refusing to get the tainted "vaccine."  

Those who criticize government plans, or the military big-wigs, are being attacked for simply exercising their First Amendment rights to speak freely, or assemble peacefully, or just want to go to church and worship the God who made them...

The title of my article: Is The COVID "Vaccine" And Euthanasia Related??  The answer: Yes, without a doubt!  The population control freaks have come completely out of the woodwork, just like the disgusting, little roaches come out of their dens after the room-lights are turned off...

Their plans to reduce the population at the expense of the elderly and ill, is not a new phenomenon; this has been planned for decades, but now they are emboldened by the likes of the anti-life, anti-Christ, morally and mentally compromised Biden, and the weak-kneed hierarchy of what passes for the Catholic Church these days, with Bergoglio sitting in the Chair of St. Peter.  (Bergoglio has appointed the very vocal population reduction lunatic, Jeffrey Sachs to a very prestigious advisory board in the Vatican.)

It should be relatively simple to add two and two, and get four as the result, but, as with the new math, the new morality -- or lack of same -- two and two just doesn't add up.  God-given common sense -- and truth -- have been rejected for outright malice and lies.  In effect, those who kick our Lord out of their lives, invite the evil one, Satan, to fill the void,,,

Do we really deserve God's mercy?  I'm beginning to wonder...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 



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