Monday, March 29, 2021

If A Lowly Private Wins The Medal Of Honor, Does That Take Away Glory From His Commanding General? When We Invoke And Pray To The Blessed Virgin Mary, Does That Take Away From The Glory Of Christ?

 I use the military analogy for a reason: because I think such an explanation would be more easily understood, rather than delving into some complicated theological discourse...

In fact, you don't have to be a veteran, or have served in the military at all, to get the gist of what I am about to explain...

Let's say that U.S. forces engage in a major battle against an enemy...  Eventually, the U.S. forces are victorious, and more than a few G.I.s are awarded several medals for heroic actions during the battle. (There is more truth in this scenario than you might think, as Audie Murphy was the most highly decorated soldier in history, including the Medal of Honor!)

And like Audie Murphy, there was a private-first-class, a sergeant and a lieutenant in our analogy, under the command of the general of the division.  The PFC in our little story, also gained much notoriety and glory for his heroics. by being awarded -- the highest of all awards -- the Medal of Honor.   

My question is this: when a low-ranking soldier is awarded the Medal of Honor, does his glory and notoriety take away from the glory of his commanding general?

Not at all.

In reality, the fame, notoriety and glory of the general increases because of the heroics of his subordinates during battle...

If that is the case, and it is, then if we pray to the Mother of Christ, petitioning for her intercession to her beloved Son, does that take away from the glory of Jesus?  

Not at all.

If we venerate the Mother of Christ, does that take away from the glory of her Son?

Not at all.

Actually, considering that His most perfect human creation -- His Mother -- who perfectly did the will of His Father, while she was on earth, did not take away from our Lord's glory, but substantially increased it!

This is true when we pray to other saints as well, but so much more so of the Blessed Virgin because she was -- and still is -- the Mother of the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, the Redeemer of the World!

Just my thoughts on the subject of praying to our Lord's precious Mother, Mary...

Our Lady Queen of Peace, pray for us!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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