Thursday, March 4, 2021

Any Law Or Mandate That Violates Our Natural Rights (The Natural Law), Or Justice, Or Charity (Love Of Neighbor), Is Automatically Null And Void...

 When Elena Kagan was nominated to fill a vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court, one of the senators on the judiciary committee tasked with questioning her on her qualifications for the lifetime appointment, asked this simple question: What are your views on natural rights?

I have to say, that her response not only shocked the living daylights out of me -- and it should have shocked the senators questioning her -- said the following: "I have no views on natural rights."  

That quote was not only bizarre, it should have immediately disqualified her to sit on the Supreme Court -- or any court for that matter...

But, sadly, it didn't, and now she can -- and has -- done irreparable damage to the most vulnerable and defenseless of our species: the pre-born baby.   Let's not forget the illegal rulings in favor of the "rights" of the sodomites and other deviants.  In other words, Kagan has violated the Natural Law, and voted in favor of non-existent -- read: made-up -- "rights" of classes of people that were never recognized from the beginning of recorded history. 

This is a prime example why I'm in favor of term limits for judges; whether at the state or federal level, just as I'm in favor of term limits for all our elected representatives!  Such term limits would effectively end the career politician and allow "new blood" to represent their constituents, but for no more than six-years, be it in the congress or the senate.

Why is the ability to recognize natural rights so important?  For the reasons I have enumerated and more...

When a law or mandate violates the Natural Law, or Justice, or Charity -- treating our neighbor the way we want to be treated -- it is automatically null and void.  This is not my opinion alone, but is rooted in the teachings of such well-known historical and ecclesiastical figures as St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine.  So influential have been their teachings on what constitutes a just or unjust law, that Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and others have parroted and used those guidelines to fight for their natural rights, as an extension of the divinely revealed law of God almighty...

In fact, when Dr. King was behind bars in Birmingham, Alabama, he wrote his famous: Letter From A Birmingham Jail.  In that letter, he referenced -- by name -- both St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine, on what constitutes a just, or unjust law.   I might add that Dr. King was a Protestant, yet he recognized the truth of the tenets of justice as defined by those two great Catholic Saints...    

Now, we see what damage "president" Biden and company have already done to our nation, especially to those pre-born American citizens being torn apart in the womb, to placate -- and pay back -- his ongoing debt to the abortion "industry," in the form of "planned parenthood" and their brother-butchers.  This murderous cabal simply cannot satiate their diabolical thirst for the blood of the pre-born -- and now born!  Infanticide -- denying the tiny baby growing in the womb, the natural right to breathe air, as well as the liberty to live and to pursue happiness.

We, citizens of the United States of America, have the natural right to reject and disobey an unjust, illicit law or mandate, regardless of the consequences to our freedoms, or what is left of them at this point in time.  I know that such a statement is easier said than done, and it will take guts, not only to cement our rights as given to us by the hand of God, but also to secure the rights of our children and grandchildren -- our posterity!

Anything less, and we are slaves to the demon and those who worship it...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey -- our true freedom!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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