Saturday, March 20, 2021

Remember The "Twilight Zone" Sci-Fi TV Show From The Late 50's/Early 60's?

 If you're not old enough to remember the Twilight Zone TV series when it first aired in 1959, and ran until 1964, that's okay... just search on Youtube or some other platform and watch the brilliant mind of the writer/producer, Rod Serling, present some of the best science fiction ever produced!

Serling weaved illusion and horror into a witch's brew that scared the TV audience half to death!  In other words, he was successful beyond his wildest imagination in presenting a sci-fi production that lasted for six seasons.  

As I just wrote above, illusion was a key component of the success of his show that ran over 60 years ago.  As they say, history repeats itself, and that's what we see happening today, but it's not a sci-fi TV show, but a demonic reality of a near-total, Godless society racing toward that eternal, infernal abyss...

Witness President Trump's partly successful efforts to promote the culture of life and instilling in the American populace, God, country, and family as the basis of a moral society.  All that has been completely erased by the stroke of a pen from the compromised, corrupt Biden and his life-hating, God-hating lackeys, in an illicit administration that may last for four years.  There is hope, however, that as more and more damning information emerges from the Biden crime syndicate, with the enforcer-in-charge, Hunter Biden, that a real impeachment and conviction will remove Biden and Harris from the White House, and stick them where they belong; in prison...

Even though evidence is piling up corroborating the deep corruption of Robert Hunter, the so-called department of justice, which includes the FBI, seem to be oblivious -- or, should I say, complicit in a massive cover-up? -- of silence and malfeasance.  But it is not only the FBI that is headed by traitors, it is the America-hating heads of the CIA and their illegal, abusive information-gathering on law-abiding American citizens through advanced technologies, including, most likely, your own smart phone!      

We practicing Catholics have to keep one thing in mind: we cannot count on any one person or political party to right the wrongs we see about us, or to pull us out of injustice and corruption, to do so, would only increase false hopes and eventual despair...  If there is any hope to stop the decay and moral turpitude, it is none other than Christ, our Lord; period.  

What is left of the Republic must be conformed to the will of God, and His rights and justice, nothing else will suffice, if that does not happen, then we will certainly get what we deserve, whether by stolen elections, or an outright police state, controlling every aspect of our lives...

Break through the illusion; pray like you have never prayed before; anchor your heart and soul to our Lord, especially by receiving Him in the Bread of Life; the Holy Eucharist...

St. Joseph, pray for us -- and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us too!

Gene DeLalla

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