Monday, March 8, 2021

As Of 3/5/21, The CDC Lists 498,870 People Dying From The Covid-19 Coronavirus. But Is It True?


Nearly half-a-million Americans have not died from the Covid-19 coronavirus.  This is proven by the statistics from the CDC's own website, yet they continue to perpetuate the lie to scare people to death (pun intended) and maintain a stranglehold on every aspect of our lives, killing our Constitutional (God-given) freedoms.  

These brazen medical "authorities" wield such incredible powers that governors, mayors, and county supervisors quake in their boots anytime new directives are issued by this rogue organization.  Hence, when Governor Parson of Missouri was asked by the liberal reporters why he wouldn't issue face-diaper mandates, statewide, he said he would leave that up to the local authorities to decide that question.

That, my dear readers, was a cop-out!  Because we Missourians are living under the heavy-handed dictates of the county and municipal politicians who follow in lock-step with the junk science that has devastated our economy, not to mention the mental health of many of our children and adults alike...

The statistics of depression and suicide, among young and old, are horrifying!  Can you imagine youngsters taking their own lives and ending up in hell for all eternity?  This is difficult to fathom, to say the least.  All we can do in that terrible situation is to leave those poor souls to the mercy of God, and never stop praying for them!  I am sure that Satan is rejoicing right now, but the demon also knows, that, in the long run, his miserable head will be crushed by the Mother of God, and send it back to hell where it belongs...

Finally!  More and more states are rescinding the illicit, un-Constitutional face-diaper scam perpetrated upon a gullible American populace who have followed the Judas goat over the cliff to a new class of citizenry: serfs and slaves, "living" under the control of the globalists elites...

It sickens me to see adults walking around with face-diapers even when outside in the fresh air, sunshine and mild breezes, giving a horrible example to their children -- covering their little faces with in-effective, filthy masks that do absolutely nothing to prevent the tiny virus from entering their bodies.  It has now been proven that face-diapers are actually making people sick from their own bacteria!  If this isn't child abuse, I don't know what is...  What this amounts to, is the idiotic thinking: "if I take off my mask, I'll catch the virus and die."

Let's go back to the CDC's website, and destroy their nearly half-million death lie...

Under the column that lists "all deaths involving covid-19," there is footnote no.1: "Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19"...

We have heard of the horror stories from many reliable sources; family members, nurses, and other health-care professionals that regardless of the actual, real cause of death, their loved-ones were listed as dying from covid!  Even causes of death from heart attacks and auto accidents were recorded as having died from the almost non-existent virus...  

Now, with the illegitimate, "president" Biden and his radical cabal of corrupt cronies, the likes of the CDC and "Dr." Fauci, are more emboldened than ever, spewing more lies almost on a daily basis.  Fauci's face is plastered all over the mainstream, ultra-liberal media, declaring that we should be back to normalcy by the end of the year, then the very next day scaring us with "news" of a new, potentially more dangerous "strain" of the virus racing in our  direction...  

What all this junk-science and continued oppressive and illicit mandates of face-diapers and "social distancing" amounts to, are the haters of life and family, attempting to depopulate our native-born population, while, at the same time, allowing tens of thousands of illegal aliens to enter our nation.  At last, Governor Abbot of Texas, has ordered his National Guard and sheriff deputies along the southern border of the Texas Republic, to counter the actions of the traitor, Biden, and his deranged policies allowing an invasion of our beloved country.  

The truth is, is that the current enemies of God and family do not care about the welfare of the citizens they were elected to represent; period.  

In conclusion, I urge my readers to read -- and re-read -- the Declaration of Independence, and know the Constitution, especially the Bill of Rights... 

As we know, we are commanded by Christ, our Lord, to pray for our enemies, but not their evil intentions!  

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey -- The only real answer!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla



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